How can I give a group called 'testgroup' full rights to their private dir ??
So all the group members can upload/delete the others files inside that private dir ??
1) site chattr +h DirName =testgroup
2) site chmod -R 777 DirName
3) edit the .ini file to make sure things like Delete are valid for users in that section... "Delete = /Path/DirName/* 1VM =testgroup". Use quotes around path if it contains spaces. You could open up /Path/* to everyone and rely on the private group setting to control who can enter that dir, but it's probably safer to enumerate the rights in the .ini though it's more work... Probably something I should think about making easier to do so people don't need to edit the .ini file like making the private dir setting use named permission templates... hmm...
Read the comments above in the .ini file... The rights are determined by the first matching line in the [VFS] section. Thus more specific paths must occur first. The original Default= line matches everything and thus it found first. Just move the /GROUPS/ stuff above the defaults.