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Old 04-12-2008, 03:15 PM   #1
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Default ioftpd crashes when unknown user tries to logon?

Hey all...

Like the topic said... If someone tries to logon and that username doesnt exist on theserver ioftpd goes *poff* and it has to be restarted. I noticed this from when upgrading and doing eveything from scratch when installing the latest ioftpd.

So Im using ioftpd 6.3.5 and the last ioA and ioBanana that came out.

Even a anonymous login attempt crashes the server entirely...

Nothing shows up in any logs, ioftpds own logs ot the scripts logs....

Of course this isnt good for me so I really hope someone has any suggestions!

Thanks for your time!
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Old 04-12-2008, 05:10 PM   #2
Too much time...
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Posts: 1,194

Have you proved that ioFTPD crashes without any scripts just to rule out wierd dlls being force loaded by 3rd party apps installed on the computer? In particular older versions of netlimiter, etc would randomly crash ioFTPD because they used injected dll that were broken.

Is there a CrashLog file in the ioftpd/system dir along with minidumps? I think ioA/B has a login event, does removing that fix things until you try to do something that uses either script?

You gotta provide more info
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Old 04-12-2008, 07:15 PM   #3
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I hear you about more info.

I dont use netlimiter.

I do have quite a few crash logs that looks something like "TINYDUMP-20080413.020716-2608.dmp". But its all a bunch of jibberish in them to me.

Ive yet to run and try to crash ioftpd without ioA or ioBanana, meaning alot of work disabling the scripts in the ioftpd.ini file i suppose. Unless you know an easier way? :P

3rd party apps... Sure theres some running, I guess ill try to disable everything possible and try and crash ioftpd.

I just now tried to disable that ioA login (OnFtpLogIn = EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe logon) but that didnt help.

Im about to hit the bed but thanks very much for replying to this! And if you can think of anything else I could try please post it when you got the time!

Thanks again.
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Old 04-12-2008, 10:12 PM   #4
Too much time...
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Posts: 1,194

You're actually crashing... If you see the tiny/minidump files. You should also have a CrashLog.txt file which is a user readable highlight of the information stored in the dump files which are for a debugger to use. Cut/Paste the CrashLog.txt file here and we'll see what's up. If I can't solve it from that you can ftp me the minidump files
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Old 04-15-2008, 07:35 AM   #5
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Posts: 4

Thanks for the replies! Yes I do have a CRASH-Log.txt file which I emptied just now and then tried to login with a non existing account so the crashlog would be as relevant as possible and here it goes:

This also happens when trying to logon as an anonymous user.

BTW, I really appreciate the help!


Tue Apr 15 14:26:33 2008 - ioFTPD v6.3.5
Unhandled exception: Access Violation (0xC0000005)
Address: 0x00442B18 [attempting to read data from 0x00000000]
PID=864, PATH=C:\Internet\ioFTPD\system\ioFTPD.exe
Thread ID: 2292

System information:
Processor #0 Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
Processor #0 Identifier: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6
Processor #1 Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
Processor #1 Identifier: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6
OS: Windows 5.1 (build 2600)
Registry: Microsoft Windows XP
Decoded: XP - Service Pack 2
Page size: 4096

[00400000 - 0047d000]: C:\Internet\ioFTPD\system\ioFTPD.exe (v6.3.5.0)
[7c900000 - 7c9b0000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[7c800000 - 7c8f5000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll (v5.1.2600.3119)
[10000000 - 10163000]: C:\Internet\ioFTPD\system\php4ts.dll (v4.4.7.7)
[7e410000 - 7e4a1000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll (v5.1.2600.3099)
[77f10000 - 77f57000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll (v5.1.2600.3316)
[71ad0000 - 71ad9000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wsock32.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[71ab0000 - 71ac7000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2_32.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[77c10000 - 77c68000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll (v7.0.2600.2180)
[71aa0000 - 71aa8000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2help.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[77dd0000 - 77e6b000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[77e70000 - 77f01000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll (v5.1.2600.3173)
[774e0000 - 7761d000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll (v5.1.2600.2948)
[77120000 - 771ab000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll (v5.1.2600.3266)
[74320000 - 7435d000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbc32.dll (v3.525.1117.0)
[5d090000 - 5d12a000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll (v5.82.2900.2982)
[7c9c0000 - 7d1d7000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll (v6.0.2900.3241)
[77f60000 - 77fd6000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll (v6.0.2900.3059)
[763b0000 - 763f9000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll (v6.0.2900.2180)
[00480000 - 00551000]: C:\Internet\ioFTPD\system\tcl84t.dll (v8.4.2.15)
[77a80000 - 77b14000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\crypt32.dll (v5.131.2600.2180)
[77b20000 - 77b32000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msasn1.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[77c00000 - 77c08000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\version.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[76390000 - 763ad000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\imm32.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[773d0000 - 774d3000]: C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03\comctl32.dll (v6.0.2900.2982)
[20000000 - 20017000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll (v3.525.1117.0)
[03000000 - 03115000]: C:\Internet\ioFTPD\system\dbghelp.dll (v6.8.4.0)
[5ad70000 - 5ada8000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll (v6.0.2900.2845)
[74720000 - 7476c000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll (v5.1.2600.2809)
[755c0000 - 755ee000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTFIME.IME (v5.1.2600.2180)
[77fe0000 - 77ff1000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[769c0000 - 76a73000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[5b860000 - 5b8b5000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll (v5.1.2600.2976)
[71a50000 - 71a8f000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[662b0000 - 66308000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[71a90000 - 71a98000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wshtcpip.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[77b40000 - 77b62000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[76f20000 - 76f47000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll (v5.1.2600.3316)
[76fb0000 - 76fb8000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\winrnr.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[76f60000 - 76f8c000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wldap32.dll (v5.1.2600.2180)
[74ad0000 - 74ad8000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\powrprof.dll (v6.0.2900.2180)

ID: 904 [00130000-0012fe94]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 00418760 -> [ioFTPD + 17760] ProcessMessages() + 0x40
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\internalmessagehandl er.c, line 106]
# 3: 0041BE50 -> [ioFTPD + 1AE50] CommonMain() + 0x30
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\main.c, line 250]
# 4: 0041C293 -> [ioFTPD + 1B293] WinMain() + 0x273
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\main.c, line 391]
# 5: 00445ABA -> [ioFTPD + 44ABA] __tmainCRTStartup() + 0x177
[f:\sp\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crt0.c, line 324]
# 6: 7C816FF7 -> [kernel32 + 15FF7] ? RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 0x49

ID: 2276 [00ef0000-00eeff14]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C802532 -> [kernel32 + 1532] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0043B92E -> [ioFTPD + 3A92E] TimerThread() + 0x19E
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\timer.c, line 141]
# 4: 7C90E2DC -> [ntdll + D2DC] ? ZwRegisterThreadTerminatePort() + 0xC

ID: 2280 [010f0000-010eff1c]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C802532 -> [kernel32 + 1532] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0043B22F -> [ioFTPD + 3A22F] WorkerThread() + 0x5F
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\threads.c, line 441]
# 4: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

ID: 2284 [011f0000-011eff1c]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C802532 -> [kernel32 + 1532] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0043B22F -> [ioFTPD + 3A22F] WorkerThread() + 0x5F
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\threads.c, line 441]
# 4: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

ID: 2288 [012f0000-012eff1c]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C802532 -> [kernel32 + 1532] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0043B22F -> [ioFTPD + 3A22F] WorkerThread() + 0x5F
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\threads.c, line 441]
# 4: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

ID: 2292 [013f0000-013ee91c]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0

ID: 2232 [014f0000-014eff1c]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C802532 -> [kernel32 + 1532] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0043B22F -> [ioFTPD + 3A22F] WorkerThread() + 0x5F
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\threads.c, line 441]
# 4: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

ID: 2300 [015f0000-015eff44]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 0043B490 -> [ioFTPD + 3A490] IoThreadEx() + 0x30
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\threads.c, line 563]
# 3: 7C90E2DC -> [ntdll + D2DC] ? ZwRegisterThreadTerminatePort() + 0xC

ID: 2296 [016f0000-016eff44]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 0043B490 -> [ioFTPD + 3A490] IoThreadEx() + 0x30
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\threads.c, line 563]
# 3: 7C90E2DC -> [ntdll + D2DC] ? ZwRegisterThreadTerminatePort() + 0xC

ID: 2312 [017f0000-017eff1c]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C802532 -> [kernel32 + 1532] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0043B680 -> [ioFTPD + 3A680] EncryptionThread() + 0x20
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\threads.c, line 649]
# 4: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

ID: 2316 [018f0000-018eff1c]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C802532 -> [kernel32 + 1532] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0043B680 -> [ioFTPD + 3A680] EncryptionThread() + 0x20
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\threads.c, line 649]
# 4: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

ID: 2324 [01aa0000-01a9ff0c]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C802451 -> [kernel32 + 1451] ? Sleep() + 0xF
# 3: 0043418C -> [ioFTPD + 3318C] SocketSchedulerThread() + 0x35C
[c:\projects\ioftpd6\6.3.5\src\socket.c, line 1765]
# 4: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

ID: 2328 [01ba0000-01b9fce8]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

ID: 1564 [02140000-0213ff78]
# 1: 7C90EB94 -> [ntdll + DB94] ? KiFastSystemCallRet() + 0x0
# 2: 7C80B6A3 -> [kernel32 + A6A3] ? GetModuleFileNameA() + 0x1B4

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Old 04-15-2008, 08:46 PM   #6
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester
ioFTPD Administrator
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

I think I've got your solution.

####Require_Encrypted_Auth = !-ioFTPD !*
####Require_Encrypted_Data = !-ioFTPD !*

These 2 fields MUST be defined so just remove the leading #'s. If you don't care if anyone uses SSL or not just use "= !*" somewhere. In fact it's already there on the line. Commenting them out entirely obviously does bad things though. I'll fix requiring this to be defined in 6.4 which is coming out soon, but just uncomment the lines for now
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Old 04-16-2008, 03:27 AM   #7
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4

YES! That was it! I cant believe I missed that... Sorry to have wasted your time on such a stupid thing.

HUGE THANKS FOR THE HELP!!!! Now its simply denying unknown users instead of letting them crash the whole server

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crashes, ioftpd, logon, logs, shows

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