Originally Posted by o_dog
on upload (not fxp) and MDTM, it just hangs. Client seems to be waiting for a response from ftpd that it doesn't receive. it does change date on the files but it takes forever for it to do so.
Same issue here, fxp works like a charm but on upload it halts just like o_dog explains.
(06:35:00) [2] STOR ChangeLog.txt
(06:35:00) [2] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for ChangeLog.txt.
(06:35:00) [2] 226-[UL: 6.0GB] [DL: 0.0GB] [Speed: 15263.1KB/s] [Free: 89149MB]
(06:35:00) [2] 226 [Section: Default] [Credits: 0.0MB] [Ratio: Unlimited]
(06:35:00) [2] MDTM 20071105051358 ChangeLog.txt
(06:36:00) [2] Timeout, Connection closed
*reconnecting to site you notice the file is there, when I tried to view the file, download and open, the code below is what happend
(06:37:33) [2] RETR ChangeLog.txt
(06:37:33) [2] 550 ChangeLog.txt: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
*after this I was a bit suspect that the file maybe even wasnt there, so I checked upload directory localy on HD and sure enough it was where I started the upload before getting connection closed on me. I open the file and its 100% functionell.
trying to retrieve the file again, download, crashed the server.
(06:38:07) [2] RETR ChangeLog.txt
(06:38:15) [i] Transfer Failed: ChangeLog.txt
(06:38:15) [i] Failed 1 file(s) and Skipped 0 file(s)
(06:38:15) [2] HUKKER Disconnected
got the crash log or this thingy TINYDUMP-20071108.063807-8396 which ever you prefer if you want it?