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Old 02-04-2008, 10:31 AM   #151
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create the rootdir in ioFTPD dir. create a dir called "site"
ex. c:\ioFTPD\site
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Old 02-04-2008, 10:53 AM   #152
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Originally Posted by o_dog View Post
create the rootdir in ioFTPD dir. create a dir called "site"
ex. c:\ioFTPD\site
tnx o_dog now it works!!!!

i haven't the ioftpd files in c:\ioftpd but in other directory inside my hd.
i have move all to c:\ioftpd and now work.

but if i want to have the file inside c:\programs\ioftpd which conf file i need to modify??

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Old 02-04-2008, 08:33 PM   #153
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etc/default.vfs is the file that you'll need to update to point at the root directory and any other mountpoints.

Remember to check out the various files in the logs/ directory as it will show you why someone couldn't login. I.e. bad home directory, bad password, bad hostmask, etc...
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Old 02-08-2008, 01:44 AM   #154
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I'm hoping to release v6.4 which fixes just those 2 problems and call that the stable release before making any more changes
I think that is a very good idea Yil.
i have had it lockup say only 2 times since i posted about the lockup.
u talked about dual procs may be the cause correct?
i have a AMD dual core 64 bit prc and vista 64 bit.
i been moving mp3 and mvids which seem to not make it lockup like moving DVDR and x264.
however i did notice that on SITE SWHO u still see the CID that are no longer connected. now i did notice that in older releases just i never noticed it with v6.3 and i should also note that it seemed i noticed it when i use idle exempt. if i restart ioFTPD of course it fixes it but i killed each CID which is CID that was closed 1-3 days ago. i have no error logs and no crash dumps. i use as system service. i should also note that when i was doing my dvdr and it was causing ioFTPD to lockup i never noticed this CID issue. so maybe, just maybe its where the problem starts just it lockup before u notice! but now i not putting under that pressure so its staying on much longer and i have not notice a crash and just that CID issue. or maybe what is causing the lockup is causing the CID issue.

anyways if this is useless for u then please ignore as this reply was only to try and maybe help u locate the problem. i do know that when u do find the problem u gone take a break, get some beer, and chill with u women in happyness to know u have finally got a stable release! keep up the good work yil
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Old 02-11-2008, 11:52 AM   #155
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Hi Yil, I have a feature request for after the stable release: user/group diskspace quotas. Thanks for all your hard work, you rock like donkey kong!
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Old 02-12-2008, 08:48 AM   #156
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Yil after further testing, ioFTPD is still running fine with no log error or crash dumps.
I talked about on SITE SWHO that users that are no longer online are still in that list even days later. but now i can confirm that its only with the users i have the idle exempt flag for. i made E the idle exempt flag. the users without this flag seem to always not be in the list when i do SITE SWHO once they have logged off.

i havn't been having the lockup issue but if i was to transfer at fast speeds it would lockup.
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Old 02-12-2008, 12:09 PM   #157
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I can confirm that its usally at fast speeds which lockups accure. I usally test localy or on 100mbits connections, unfortanally for this test the connections do run at full duplex so its 10mb/s and usally thats when the lockup kicks in. should really try upload / download at slow speeds, Ill setup something and force upload/download to 1mb/s or something, see what happends.

Cause I have one connection its always a lockup on and its vista. Ill defently try this soon.
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Old 02-12-2008, 04:42 PM   #158
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it would be nice with a setting like in gl:
show_diz .message .requests .imdb *
To define what files and in what order ioFTPD should display on entering dirs.
would be a nice feature for scripters.
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Old 02-12-2008, 10:47 PM   #159
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o_dog: Currently ioFTPD only attempts to show 2 files when changing directories. ".message" and then ".ioFTPD.message". It's up to the 3rd party scripts to order the information in either of these two files so it displays the way you want it.

I would agree with you that a feature to make it display multiple files in a predetermined order might be useful, but recreating the .message file whenever the info changes isn't that hard for a script to do.
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Old 02-12-2008, 10:51 PM   #160
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well, if you have several scripts by diffrent authors it becomes a little more complicated. There are ways around it it would jsut be easier to have diffrent files.
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Old 02-13-2008, 12:56 AM   #161
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Some other ftpd's offer a diskspace quota feature that's based on users (and groups?). In this case it might be better implemented on a directory basis, rather than on a user/group basis. You could limit how much space each section had available as well as how much space group dirs use. Think of it as a way to control that crazy /XXX section that's always getting out of hand.
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Old 02-13-2008, 01:09 AM   #162
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use an autodelete script
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Old 02-13-2008, 02:56 AM   #163
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...and delete group files?
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Old 02-13-2008, 08:16 PM   #164
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Quotas is a rather interesting technical issue. Here's some thoughts...

1) Most window's based FTP servers I believe run as whatever user started them and account information is kept internally and directory details are usually stored in an extra file in the directory and thus all files are usually owned by one person.

There are many advantages (and disadvantages) to this, but right now the only one I want to focus on is that the FTP must ensure that it's internal information is consistent with the filesystem's. This is an issue because FTP accounts are not OS accounts and thus you just can't ask the file system for usage details.

2) How do you handle external modifications of the filesystem? If I go and delete a bunch of dirs in explorer how does the FTP find out about this and return the quota to the appropriate users? Assuming local drives this can be handled/caught when the FTP is running, but only periodic scans of the filesystem would catch changes made when the FTP isn't running.

Ok, having said all that it is possible to fake quotas right now by overloading the section information stored with accounts and using scripts to control things... You will still have the problem of external manipulation but even that could be solved the same why the FTP would have to do it. Namely, keep a list of files/dirs in a log somewhere and when a periodic scan turns them up missing credit back the quota. If they were just moved the scan would pick up the new entry and things would balance out...
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Old 02-15-2008, 06:36 AM   #165
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look at my reply #136 and u can see my full [VFS] Section
the only thing that has changed is the _SORTED as i pasted below
i took the M flag off as i deleted much shit on my FTP that i had to use data recovery software to recover, long story, lol!

Upload       = /_SORTED/* V
Resume       = /_SORTED/* V
MakeDir      = /_SORTED/* V
RemoveDir    = /_SORTED/* V
RemoveOwnDir = /_SORTED/* V
Rename       = /_SORTED/* V
RenameOwn    = /_SORTED/* V
Overwrite    = /_SORTED/* V
Delete       = /_SORTED/* V
DeleteOwn    = /_SORTED/* V
this is how i have downloads set so only these flags can download. i have a look account with H as the only flag so they can use Firefox or IE to log in.

Download = /* 321VM
i want the LOOK account to be able to download and upload small files though .nfo .sfv .jpg etc
how do i set this? would i set it by the file types, or could i set it by file size like say anything smaller than 1mb?
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