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Old 06-20-2007, 12:53 AM   #91
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i think OnUploadComplete u get "path+file" "CRC" "virtualpath+file" as first 3 arguments (at least in 585)
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Old 06-20-2007, 02:04 AM   #92
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its still the same in 6.1.X, obviously if there was a problem none of the zipscripts would work etc
#iotools #ioftpd (both on efnet)
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Old 06-20-2007, 04:42 AM   #93
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Actually I'm looking at the list of outputs from 'set' and not the %1-%3 (I should've removed those lines from the batch file, was just for some other testing purposes).

[R] 226-SECTION=

ioftpd.ini (section-part):
TV = 0 2 /TV/*

This is what I'm curious about, why the SECTION is reported as blank (ignore the %1-%3 lines)

Tuff: It was already like this in the 5.8.X versions. What I want to know is what the argument for the section is, because like you say, there must be one that reports it for eg. the zipscripts but the output of 'set' gives a blank %SECTION%

Last edited by peep; 06-20-2007 at 04:46 AM. Reason: Added a reply to Tuff
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Old 06-21-2007, 01:04 AM   #94
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most zipscripts checks the section name against VIRTUALPATH
sections in config -> VIRTUALPATH
"/mp3/ /games/" -> /mp3/0101/blalba-iND

maybe is SECTIONNAME what u are looking for (just guesing).
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Old 06-21-2007, 06:56 AM   #95
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Nope, gives nothing. And if you create a .bat file with the content:
@echo off
put "OnUploadComplete = %EXEC X:\xxx\batchfile.bat" in your ioftpd.ini, upload just any file and then look at the output in the ftp-client status-window, you will notice that everything is returned except the value of SECTION.
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Old 06-21-2007, 12:18 PM   #96
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add this to your ioftod.env
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Old 06-29-2007, 08:37 PM   #97
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I just installed the v6.1.4 ioGui and everything works great but the zipscript

I'm using php_psio and it seems to have that problem with the OnUploadComplete command.

My ioftpd.ini looks like this:
OnUploadComplete = EXEC php.exe -q c:\ioFTPD\scripts\php_psio\zipscript-c.php
OnUploadError = EXEC php.exe -q c:\ioFTPD\scripts\php_psio\zipscript-c.php
dele = EXEC php.exe -q c:\ioFTPD\scripts\php_psio\postdel.php

and i've changed all the paths in php_psio from d: to c:
...the site rescan command works great, but it's not autoscanning the files.

Is there any fix for this?

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Old 06-30-2007, 11:08 AM   #98
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Hi, after longtime not using io (well wanted a few weeks back with problems only) and seeing 6.1.4 i again installed io but was wondering if there is any around script that communicates with eggdrop/windrop?

I normaly used ioBanana and ioA because of the eggdrop function but for what i see now ioB and ioA arent working proper with io 1.6.14 and nx Tools doesn't provide the eggdrop function , atleast it isn't in the readme

Any 1 here that has io 1.6.14 working with eggdrop/windrop?
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Old 06-30-2007, 11:29 AM   #99
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I haven't noticed any problems in particular using ioBanana and ioA with the latest io-version.
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Old 06-30-2007, 02:48 PM   #100
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yeah, all the scripts i installed...dzsbot/ioa work fine

It's just some zipscripts that don't work anymore :S
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Old 07-01-2007, 05:45 AM   #101
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Yil - dont know if this has been reported sorry if it already has - its only a slight error i feel in ioftpd 6.1.4 - but its an error that has been there since last ioftpd 5.x rls and i reported it back then if i remember, error is that gives the wrong error info in ioftpd - for wrong ip (or no ip) anyway

[R] 331 Password required for Carpo.
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 530 Login failed: Invalid password.
[R] Connection failed

now from that you would think the obvious and i forgot the pass right? wrong!

its because i forgot to add the right ip for the intranet into my account in ioftpd

07-01-2007 11:37:12 Host '*@THE-MAJOR' did not match any of user 'Carpo' allowed hosts.
07-01-2007 11:38:20 Host '*@' did not match any of user 'Carpo' allowed hosts.

after adding these two entries to my account i can log in ok again

a pidly error i know but it can be a bit miss leading - as i said before it used to throw this error up for near every error (no matter what the reall error was) in 5.8.6+ aswell
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Old 07-01-2007, 06:18 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by peep View Post
I haven't noticed any problems in particular using ioBanana and ioA with the latest io-version.
Well i'll give it a shot.

btw is it true that ioG functions don't work with 6.1.x like mkdir del dir etc?

Changed the location of ioFTPD to d: within a subdir and after changing all files and locations it's inpossible for me to get io and iogui started
15:32:59 wSock_Error() -> Connection is forcefully rejected (10061)
15:32:59 ----------- connection closed -----------

Double checked every setting but it just won't start any more

io 6.1.14 + nxtools + iosfv

the readme says
1) Extract the zip file to C:\ If you put it anywhere else you will need to
change the path of the link in the handy ioFTPD-Start shortcut if you want
to use it to start the server and ioGUI.

that shortcut isn't there but i guess i need to create 1 myself, but i don't see any problems on this part

the ioftpd.log says
07-01-2007 15:33:08 START: "PID=4812" "CmdLine="

Nothing usefull also

any help pls

Last edited by whocarez2k5; 07-01-2007 at 08:39 AM.
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Old 07-01-2007, 02:08 PM   #103
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I did a complete new clean setup (no scripts) checked every option 2 times to see difference with "broken" server, edited everything in wordpad, but when walking true the config i noticed a few minor things that are double imo
Under Permissions
# Here's an example of a generally Read Only server with a /Incoming
# directory that allows regular users (the 3 flag) to upload just
# to directories under /Incoming. If you want people to be able to
# upload anywhere just change /Incoming/* to /*.
Upload = /Incoming/* 31VM
Resume = /Incoming/* 31VM
MakeDir = /Incoming/* 31VM
RemoveDir = /Incoming/* 1VM
RemoveOwnDir = /Incoming/* 31VM
Rename = /Incoming/* 1VM
RenameOwn = /Incoming/* 31VM
Overwrite = /Incoming/* 1VM
Delete = /Incoming/* 1VM
DeleteOwn = /Incoming/* 31VM

# This defines everything else as Read Only for regular users.
Upload = /* 31VM
Resume = /* 31VM
MakeDir = /* 31VM
RemoveOwnDir = /* 31VM
RemoveDir = /* 1VM
Rename = /* 1VM
RenameOwn = /* 31VM
Delete = /* 1VM
DeleteOwn = /* 31VM

# nobody can overwrite a file, they must delete it and resend
Overwrite = /* !*
NoStats = /* !*

# anybody can download anything...
Download = /* *
I dunno why this is but i guess some settings are double in the config and the part that is named as example need to be marked with # or am i wrong?

Second thing i found was a small ioGui config, Yil added ioGui to the new ioFTPD as it is now but the paths to the ioGuiExt are wrong.
In Yil's setup ioGui is in ../ioGUI and not in ../scripts
# ioGUI
ioGuiExt    = TCL ..\scripts\ioGuiExt.itcl
#ioGuiExt    = EXEC ..\scripts\ioGuiExt.exe
imo it needs to be
# ioGUI
ioGuiExt    = TCL ..\ioGUI\ioGuiExt.itcl
#ioGuiExt    = EXEC ..\ioGUI\ioGuiExt.exe
Hope it helps.

Server still isn't running from subdir (d:\subdir\ioFTPD\..) , help still appreciated

Dunno if it's allready there but maybe a good idea to add a clean.registry file to ioFTPD because i think there lies my problem. i checked registry on ioFTPD items and there are a bunch of reg settings in winXP. I dunno which 1 to remove to get a clean start for io to setup.
Because when i unpack io6.1.14 and don't make any changes at all and hit the ioFTPD-Start.exe i mostly get winsock errors and io also says password in correct?¿?¿ that is strange for me because the very first time i run io it worked like a charm but now it just won't, and when i open ioftpd.ini 1 time and only change port for example i can't connect at all and it keeps giving me the error in previous posts

Last edited by whocarez2k5; 07-01-2007 at 03:05 PM.
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Old 07-03-2007, 01:00 AM   #104
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Originally Posted by Carpo
Yil - dont know if this has been reported sorry if it already has - its only a slight error i feel in ioftpd 6.1.4 - but its an error that has been there since last ioftpd 5.x rls and i reported it back then if i remember, error is that gives the wrong error info in ioftpd - for wrong ip (or no ip) anyway

[R] 331 Password required for Carpo.
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 530 Login failed: Invalid password.
[R] Connection failed

now from that you would think the obvious and i forgot the pass right? wrong!

its because i forgot to add the right ip for the intranet into my account in ioftpd

07-01-2007 11:37:12 Host '*@THE-MAJOR' did not match any of user 'Carpo' allowed hosts.
07-01-2007 11:38:20 Host '*@' did not match any of user 'Carpo' allowed hosts.

after adding these two entries to my account i can log in ok again

a pidly error i know but it can be a bit miss leading - as i said before it used to throw this error up for near every error (no matter what the reall error was) in 5.8.6+ aswell
This is by design. I take it you haven't read the changelog at all for io 6.x It's designed this way for security reasons. Now l33t h4xXoRs have a hard time fishing for info on which usernames exist etc. And since the logs contain the correct info that only admins should have access to.. isn't that nice?


Last edited by Zer0Racer; 07-03-2007 at 01:22 AM.
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Old 07-03-2007, 01:17 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by whocarez2k5
I did a complete new clean setup (no scripts) checked every option 2 times to see difference with "broken" server, edited everything in wordpad, but when walking true the config i noticed a few minor things that are double imo
Under Permissions

I dunno why this is but i guess some settings are double in the config and the part that is named as example need to be marked with # or am i wrong?
To just say broken server is unfortunately not very helpful. There are alot of things that, when configged the wrong way, can make ioFTPD unable to start, or that will spit out error when you try to log in.

Those lines with permissions are not duplicates or anything like that because the first set of rules set permissions for /Incoming/* and then there are som general rules that apply to everything besides incoming dir. The first rules only apply IF there is a dir called incoming, of course.

Originally Posted by whocarez2k5

Dunno if it's allready there but maybe a good idea to add a clean.registry file to ioFTPD because i think there lies my problem. i checked registry on ioFTPD items and there are a bunch of reg settings in winXP. I dunno which 1 to remove to get a clean start for io to setup.
Because when i unpack io6.1.14 and don't make any changes at all and hit the ioFTPD-Start.exe i mostly get winsock errors and io also says password in correct?¿?¿ that is strange for me because the very first time i run io it worked like a charm but now it just won't, and when i open ioftpd.ini 1 time and only change port for example i can't connect at all and it keeps giving me the error in previous posts
As far as I know ioFTPD itself doesn't set a single entry in the registry. If you find anything about ioFTPD there it's either windows own way of keeping track of which files you recently edited and ioGUI needs to keep track of a couple of things. ioGUI is not a part of ioFTPD itself. And ioGUI is not required in order to get ioFTPD to run.

And certain settings in ioFTPD, like changing service port, you actually have to restart ioFTPD before the new settings take effect. Most changes only reguire config rehash though.

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