Flow: ioGUI is working fine for me. Have you tried clearing the settings with the .reg file provided in the directory? Also check that you haven't configured the .exe version as well as the .itcl one I pre-configured.
Zer0Racer: List -R (not the list -alR version I use though) does crash in directories (but only those with subdirs). I'll get this fixed pronto and have a new version within a day or so, it should be trivial.
peep: I haven't tried running ioFTPD as a service with SSL but I guess I'll try now. Can you confirm that in your setup ioFTPD works WITHOUT SSL? That should limit the amount of code I need to look at if mine doesn't crash when I try it...
Zer0Racer: Event OnLogIn only seems to be triggered when named OnFtpLogIn in ioFTPD.ini. Didn't change anything there so yea, that's still a bug or a documentation failure
peep: site space -- My bad, it's actually called "site size". I changed it late in the game because I added the free command and didn't want free and space to sound like they would do the same thing. It also requires an argument, though I'll change it to default to . if not given one.
tuff: yea, admin.vfs is intentionally gone. Just copy the new commented default.vfs over and make changes. Less likely for there to be errors this way. Idle_Exempt added to the todo list.
Flow: I'll track down what I can. I'll also be releasing the source code, as well as a debug version that might give more useful info

0x004167dc I believe is inside OpenDirectory() which itself doesn't do the hard work but is an indication that it has something to do with the filesystem. Try moving the root dir to an empty dir and then adding back parts of your directory tree to see where it dies. If you can find a small directory where it dies that will help debugging.
Carpo: I'm guessing your issue is SSL. If the bot can't connect via SSL, then exempt the bot account from the requirement.
Zer0Racer: Device_Concurrency appears to be used. I can't tell if it's doing what it's supposed to, but it's trying as I can see various tests to limit the number of outstanding read/write requests for files being transfered. Upload_PreAllocation is not referenced or used anywhere. I'll remove it from the config file. I'll see what I can do about the vfs stuff later.
tuff: I don't see anything that would change ascii to unicode. The text to be printed is copied directly from whatever you send it and the buffer is written directly to the socket so no transformation is taking place there either. It's possible the new TCL is doing it. I don't think ioGUI would be working at all if everything was in unicode though so could you double check?