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Old 04-01-2007, 11:51 AM   #16
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Default Crash log

Default installation.

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225620 at address 0x004167dc (0x00000000)

Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x0040269f (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0xd000bf50
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x7c92ae24 (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x00000004
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x0040269f (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x0000bee3
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x0040269f (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x0000bee3
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x7c92ae22 (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x72656673
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x7c910f29 (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x00000006
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x7c910f29 (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x3a726172

No Freaken clue what those adresses mean

Hey, have the old .IOFTPD file within dirs todo with these crashes ??

Last edited by Flow; 04-01-2007 at 01:00 PM. Reason: More to add
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Old 04-01-2007, 01:07 PM   #17
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Default Amazing!

Hey Yil

Darn after all those years i,m convinced again io has a future again
I,m really amazed of the nice work your doing here
For the first time after Darkone vanished i have a good feeling again about this project.

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Old 04-01-2007, 02:53 PM   #18
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all seems to be working here - not testd it alot as i have had to go out today to a basptism and a lot of drinking afterwards - but i think the first victim for me is nxtools as i seem to keep geting an error about not being able to find sqlite or nxhelper - even tho they are in c:\ioftpd\lib and i have even put them in c:\ioftpd\ioftpd\libs - seem if i out the commands in ipftpd.ini i get an error about nxclose - if i remove that i get the other error - will test all the alocbot triggers to see if they work - so far so good

edit: after checking a few other things it seems i keep getting

[20:59] <NGE> [20:59] [AlcoBot] FTP connection failed - server closed connection
[21:00] <NGE> [21:00] [AlcoBot] Error :: FtpServer - FTP handle not connected, attemping to reconnect.

where with 5.8.6 - i never - it was always connected

Last edited by ArtX; 04-01-2007 at 03:07 PM.
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Old 04-01-2007, 03:51 PM   #19
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where has the ascii went to? iputs via tcl is now unicode?!
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Old 04-01-2007, 04:46 PM   #20
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Flow: ioGUI is working fine for me. Have you tried clearing the settings with the .reg file provided in the directory? Also check that you haven't configured the .exe version as well as the .itcl one I pre-configured.

Zer0Racer: List -R (not the list -alR version I use though) does crash in directories (but only those with subdirs). I'll get this fixed pronto and have a new version within a day or so, it should be trivial.

peep: I haven't tried running ioFTPD as a service with SSL but I guess I'll try now. Can you confirm that in your setup ioFTPD works WITHOUT SSL? That should limit the amount of code I need to look at if mine doesn't crash when I try it...

Zer0Racer: Event OnLogIn only seems to be triggered when named OnFtpLogIn in ioFTPD.ini. Didn't change anything there so yea, that's still a bug or a documentation failure

peep: site space -- My bad, it's actually called "site size". I changed it late in the game because I added the free command and didn't want free and space to sound like they would do the same thing. It also requires an argument, though I'll change it to default to . if not given one.

tuff: yea, admin.vfs is intentionally gone. Just copy the new commented default.vfs over and make changes. Less likely for there to be errors this way. Idle_Exempt added to the todo list.

Flow: I'll track down what I can. I'll also be releasing the source code, as well as a debug version that might give more useful info 0x004167dc I believe is inside OpenDirectory() which itself doesn't do the hard work but is an indication that it has something to do with the filesystem. Try moving the root dir to an empty dir and then adding back parts of your directory tree to see where it dies. If you can find a small directory where it dies that will help debugging.

Carpo: I'm guessing your issue is SSL. If the bot can't connect via SSL, then exempt the bot account from the requirement.

Zer0Racer: Device_Concurrency appears to be used. I can't tell if it's doing what it's supposed to, but it's trying as I can see various tests to limit the number of outstanding read/write requests for files being transfered. Upload_PreAllocation is not referenced or used anywhere. I'll remove it from the config file. I'll see what I can do about the vfs stuff later.

tuff: I don't see anything that would change ascii to unicode. The text to be printed is copied directly from whatever you send it and the buffer is written directly to the socket so no transformation is taking place there either. It's possible the new TCL is doing it. I don't think ioGUI would be working at all if everything was in unicode though so could you double check?
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Old 04-01-2007, 05:01 PM   #21
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if i read a file, and write it directly to a temp file, the temp file is an exact copy

if i read a file, and use iputs -nobuffer "$line" then im getting garbage

even when i user set s [encoding convertto ascii "$line"]

Update: i replaced the new 6.0.0 ioftpd.exe with the old 5.8.8 exe and i still had the same problem
i also copied over the old tcl84t.dll and tried the new 6.0.0 exe with that and the same problem still exists
going back to 5.8.8 works fine

have you changed the way iputs works?
#iotools #ioftpd (both on efnet)

Last edited by tuff; 04-01-2007 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 04-01-2007, 06:08 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Yil
Zer0Racer: List -R (not the list -alR version I use though) does crash in directories (but only those with subdirs). I'll get this fixed pronto and have a new version within a day or so, it should be trivial.
Aah, great!

Originally Posted by Yil
Zer0Racer: Event OnLogIn only seems to be triggered when named OnFtpLogIn in ioFTPD.ini. Didn't change anything there so yea, that's still a bug or a documentation failure
Ok, just thought since the ioFTPD.ini in v6.0 referred to OnLogIn maybe you could change it/fix it once for all. And since it's under the [Ftp] array OnLogIn looks better than the redundant OnFtpLogin.

Originally Posted by Yil
Zer0Racer: Device_Concurrency appears to be used. I can't tell if it's doing what it's supposed to, but it's trying as I can see various tests to limit the number of outstanding read/write requests for files being transfered. Upload_PreAllocation is not referenced or used anywhere. I'll remove it from the config file. I'll see what I can do about the vfs stuff later.
Ok. Any info about the Transfer_Buffer and (the obsolete?) Internal_Transfer_Buffer? Hope you can implement funtionality for unsetting vfsfile string in user and group files too and making necessary adjustments for internal tcl and php commands.

Btw I've started to play around with http service and php. Setting [HTTP Service] Messages to ..\text\http2 somehow results in ie C:\ioFTPD\text\text\http2. I have to set it to absolute path in order for it to work. No biggie, just wanted you to know.

Also, ioFTPD crashed on me earlier and I can't figure out why. Maybe the crash log is of any help:
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x00415186 (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x1f6008e8
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Old 04-01-2007, 09:49 PM   #23
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Default V6.0.1

Version 6.0.1 is out


V6.0.1 Release Notes:

1) "site space" is really called "site size".  It no longer requires an
   argument because it assumes "." if none specified.  It also prints out
   the name of path for clarification.

2) Fixed "list -R" only working when specified with "-a" option.

3) The OnLogIn event removed from ioFTPD.ini file.  There are two separate
   events.  OnFtpLogIn and OnTelnetLogIn added.  OnFtpLogIn is what had been
   used, so no actual change in functionality.

4) "Upload_PreAllocation" unused and removed from ioFTPD.ini file.

5) New ioFTPD.ini option (Idle_Exempt).  This allows you to specify who
   should be immune from getting kicked by the idle timer.  Only for FTP.

6) You can now completely remove the vfs file setting from a user or a
   group by specifing "default" as the vfs file.  Useful when you want to
   revert to using the ioFTPD.ini Default_Vfs setting.  This works with
   the "site change" and the itcl [change] command.
     site change <user> vfsfile default
     site change <group> groupvfsfile default

7) Raised the maximum size of File Context settable via itcl from 2k to
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Old 04-01-2007, 10:04 PM   #24
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ZR: "Transfer_Buffer and (the obsolete?) Internal_Transfer_Buffer?". Internal_Transfer_Buffer is indeed obsolete, and from the ioFTPD.ini file you get this:

# This is the default size (it grows if needed) for internal buffering.
# It probably should be a multiple and at least as large as the data
# socket send size. Since internal buffers are used for directory listings
# it should be larger than the space needed for the largest single directory
# listing to avoid growing it. 32k min.
Transfer_Buffer = 131072

DataSocket_Send_Buffer = 32864

You probably won't need to change it.

HTTP service Messages. I looked at this and don't see where the heck it's resolving the path. I assume it's letting windows do the resolving so not sure why it isn't working... I'll look deeper if more people need this. The full path is a good workaround as that will definitely work.


Haven't changed anything in iTCL so not sure why 5.8.8 would work and not 6.0. I tried this:

proc ytest {} {
iputs -nobuffer "testing 1 2 3"


outputs: testing 1 2 3

Am I missing something? It didn't look like it got encoded into unicode. Does it only happen with data you read from a file? Or do you have to read from a file and then iputs -nobuffer starts breaking? Wait, did you say 5.8.8 is working? I didn't think iTCL was working at all for 5.8.8. You sure it wasn't 5.8.5? I know I didn't make any changes, but it's totally possible someone changed something from 5.8.5 to 5.8.8...

Last edited by Yil; 04-01-2007 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 04-02-2007, 01:05 AM   #25
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Hey, let me be wrong

How come i cant chmod rootdirs to -777 ?. Dont i have to have -777 set so users can create stuff inside ??

like /ME /YOU /THEM <-- those dirs to 777.
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Old 04-02-2007, 01:38 AM   #26
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hi Yil,

test the iputs by reading a .nfo file and outputting


global path
set nfoFile "$path\\test.nfo"

if {[catch {set handle [open $nfoFile "r"]} message]} {
iputs "Unable to read \"$nfoFile\"."
} else {
while {![eof $handle]} {
gets $handle line
iputs $line
close $handle

it seems anything over character 128 isnt displayed correctly, itcl worked fine with 5.8.8
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Old 04-02-2007, 01:51 AM   #27
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im not using ssl (yet) to exempt it !*-bot - been a while since i had to do that - also mirror for ioftpd can be found here (will try and keep it up to date)
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Old 04-02-2007, 02:02 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Yil View Post
peep: I haven't tried running ioFTPD as a service with SSL but I guess I'll try now. Can you confirm that in your setup ioFTPD works WITHOUT SSL? That should limit the amount of code I need to look at if mine doesn't crash when I try it...
I'm not sure if you misinterpreted my post, this is not an SSL-issue, I just confirmed ZR's post about list -R crashing io. My setup is working just fine, both with and without ssl.

Edit: On another note, the "OnServerStart" event still seems to be broken (has been so for a long, long time). Could anyone please confirm this? Not sure if anyone made you aware of this bug.
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Old 04-02-2007, 03:31 AM   #29
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seems if i use site shutdown - i get this in the ioftpd crash log

Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x7c918fea (0x00000000)
0x00000001 0x00000010
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x7c918fea (0x00000000)
0x00000001 0x00000010
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Old 04-02-2007, 03:34 AM   #30
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i have same problem as carpo
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fxp, ioftpd, recursive, test, v6.0

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