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Old 04-11-2006, 04:35 AM   #1
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Default Some questions to ioftpd...

Hello everybody,

We're using currently raidenftpd for our ftp services but we think about to change to ioftpd.
Before we can migrate we have some questions, maybe someone can help me out finding some answers... would be great :-)

Whats about the filesystem? Is ioftpd using a virtual filesystem or it handle the right management with NTFS?
Can we easily integrate SSL connection on a Windows 2003 Server (64-bit)?
Is there support for a windrop? (sitebot using for IRC)
Is there a website support for statistics?
Is there a website for users that they can create a personal account? (Based on a user template defined by administrator (me))
After this registration how can I force users that they stay in a IRC Channel?
Is SFV checking integrated?
Do I have a GUI for all that installation, configuration and management?
Is this all integrated in ioftpd or do I need addons for it? If yes, which one?

Thank you for help.

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Old 04-11-2006, 05:22 AM   #2
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Whats about the filesystem? Is ioftpd using a virtual filesystem or it handle the right management with NTFS?
Its no problem!
Can we easily integrate SSL connection on a Windows 2003 Server (64-bit)?
I dont know how ioftpd works with x64 but normally SSL isnt any problem.
Is there support for a windrop? (sitebot using for IRC)
With SSL: http://users.skynet.be/bounty/index2.html
Or just search for sitebot in scripts page
Is there a website support for statistics?
Is there a website for users that they can create a personal account? (Based on a user template defined by administrator (me))
After this registration how can I force users that they stay in a IRC Channel?
There is prolly some nice script that makes this possible.
Is SFV checking integrated?
No, http://www.inicom.net/pages/en.ioftpd-scripts.php (last section "zipscript")
Do I have a GUI for all that installation, configuration and management?
http://www.inicom.net/pages/en.ioftpd-scripts.php search for ioGUI
Is this all integrated in ioftpd or do I need addons for it? If yes, which one?
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Old 04-11-2006, 02:11 PM   #3
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Posts: 33

Hi myates,

I'd like to tell you some things that you might like to know in considering ioFTPd (I too switched from RaidenFTPD to ioFTPD).

-It has a virtual filesystem, supports network spanning so that should take care of all your needs
-SSL will work fine
-Windrop will work fine
-no website support for statistics, however there is a http daemon which as far as i know is still being worked on, which you can customize your own pages to show stats
-the http daemon will enable it so you could add users via http
-you cannot force users to stay in an irc channel, unless somebody programmed a script to do so.
-sfv checking isn't integrated, but this is a good thing. raiden's sfv checking is complete garbage. there are however PLENTY of scripts that do this for ioftpd and you can very easily install one and have your sfv checking functionality

there is no GUI
it's all ftp command based.
there are lots and lots of scripts that you will find make ioftpd much simpler to use in the end, and more feature rich
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Old 04-12-2006, 04:29 AM   #4
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Hi guys,

thank you for answering! It helps us really :-)

Originally Posted by maX1mus
Or just search for sitebot in scripts page
Okay, I'll do... do you have any recommendations for the easiest sitebot?

Originally Posted by maX1mus
There is prolly some nice script that makes this possible.
Do you have the name for me?

Originally Posted by maX1mus
Thank you! I hope a installation / configuration and management with this GUI is possible...

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Originally Posted by mr_F
-no website support for statistics, however there is a http daemon which as far as i know is still being worked on, which you can customize your own pages to show stats
-the http daemon will enable it so you could add users via http
Hmm, sounds good, a perfect website would to give a user the chance to register and the script adds the user with this IP to the FTP?
But please please could you look for this addon, I cant find it...

Originally Posted by mr_F
-you cannot force users to stay in an irc channel, unless somebody programmed a script to do so.
mhm okay... I hope someone will do this

Originally Posted by mr_F
-sfv checking isn't integrated, but this is a good thing. raiden's sfv checking is complete garbage. there are however PLENTY of scripts that do this for ioftpd and you can very easily install one and have your sfv checking functionality
Is there any "complete addon / script" (with http / sitebot / sfv checking / GUI) ?

Originally Posted by mr_F
there is no GUI
it's all ftp command based.
there are lots and lots of scripts that you will find make ioftpd much simpler to use in the end, and more feature rich
Yes our biggest fear of this ftp is the command based management, and the secure configuration which is very easy with raidenftpd...

Another question: Is there a test-version of ioftpd which I can use for some testing areas?

Many many thanks !!!

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Old 04-12-2006, 05:20 AM   #5
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There is no GUI for installation, but once io is working you can do a lot of stuff by the ioGUI (management)
There is an unregistered (free) version of ioFTPD.
About the script for users to be on irc im not sure, just have it somewhere in the back of my head i read about that somewhere..
Been discussed there too but...
Pretty much all i know..
About the "easiest" bot im not sure...
My personal thoughts of windrop is that its a bit hard.. some reading but..
When its done its really worth it!!
Many seem to like alcobot and iobanana, wich i myself havent tried.
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Old 04-12-2006, 08:23 AM   #6
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the easiest bot would be dZSbot.. prolly also the nicest..

SSL 168kbit is easy setup if u use firedaemon to run as a service..

There are several good zipscripts..
working far better than raiden..

ioZS would be the easiest to setup, while the more advanced would be ioSFV or php_psio..
very nice scripts..
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filesystem, ftp, ioftpd, management, support

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