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Old 07-29-2005, 04:30 PM   #1
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Exclamation Scripters Pool?!

Ok, this is simply getting rediculous

2 weeks ago we where told it would take a week to sort out the scripters pool, and as yet nothing.




You seriously want scripters to be around and support the new LUA langauge added when you cant get this sorted, its been a LONG time coming
#iotools #ioftpd (both on efnet)
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Old 07-29-2005, 04:38 PM   #2
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would be nice to recieve $omething from our old scripts
if you'll replace TCL by LUA it would be nice to give US the old pool
and begin another script pool for LUA

have fun
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Old 07-29-2005, 09:12 PM   #3
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I would like to know what happened to the scripters pool as well since I paid into it.

There have been many things that were said to be coming within "days", yet turned out to be weeks.

Just look how long it took to "merge" the forums...

Instead of this looking like a Mickey Mouse sort of operation, it is starting to look like something fraudulent.
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Old 07-30-2005, 03:15 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Webkikr
I would like to know what happened to the scripters pool as well since I paid into it.

There have been many things that were said to be coming within "days", yet turned out to be weeks.

Just look how long it took to "merge" the forums...

Instead of this looking like a Mickey Mouse sort of operation, it is starting to look like something fraudulent.
^^ word!
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Old 07-30-2005, 04:16 AM   #5
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This is something that is being worked on currently. Don't expect to see official statement before monday - noone, except me, works on weekends

Also, it wasn't all about merging just forums - but merging four 1000+ user databases, that all had unique data structures. Because I don't know much about the process, I can't comment on wether it was a good idea to close existing sites until process was completed. But I'm quite sure there were good reasons to do so.

Also, TCL will not be replaced by LUA. TCL will propably come as module (which also will apply eventually to PHP).. writing a module takes somewhat more time, because one needs to map all the functions io provides to variables.. which is why I've favored statically linked tcl & php libraries.
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Old 08-02-2005, 12:06 AM   #6
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1. An updated scripts infrastracture has been built, and will be implemented in the next couple days (when Smoke gets back from his mini-vacation...much needed and deserved btw )

2. As soon as the new system has been installed, work will begin on the new scripters pool. We have made this a top priority until it gets done. We have not lost the information, and all scripters will be rewarded. We recognize the contributions you make, and have no desire to lose that.

3. As darkone said, this entire merge has been much more work than anyone ever imagined. It is still a work in progress, and we are continually adding new features and fixing things as they are brought to our attention.

4. Good things take time. We would much rather take a little more time to do something right, than bringing something online that is either insufficient, ugly, or will have to be re-written. I regret giving timelines on things that we have decided to change vastly instead of just a minor tweak. I will do my best not to give unrealistic timelines for projects in the future. For the most part, it will be "when it's done".

5. If anyone has any valid concerns, we welcome feedback, and will continue to do our best to please all of our faithful customers.

And no, d1, you aren't the only one who works on the weekends . Smoke works almost every Saturday, bigstar works like you do, Seome (tech support) works 7 days a week, and the rest of us LIVE iniCom! We'll have lots of cool things for everyone to play/work with very soon. Thanks for your patience.
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coming, distributed, pool, scripters, support

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