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Old 09-14-2005, 10:44 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 14
Default kein login möglich

moin jungz und mädels,

ich hab endlich meinen root server bekommen smile .

ich will auf dem teil ioftpd aufspielen. soweit so gut Augenzwinkern .

jetz hab ich ioftpd gestartet kann mich jedoch mit dem admin konnto nich einlogen. hier die meldung:

[L] Connecting to **.**.***.*** -> IP=**.**.***.*** PORT=21 (attempt # 2)
[L] Connected to **.**.***.***
[L] Connection failed (Connection lost)

wie ich das sehe kann er sich nicht einloggen. hier noch meine ioftpd.ini:


Process_Priority	= NORMAL	# Suggested process base priority (Idle/Normal/High/Realtime)
Io_Threads		= 2		# Number of io threads
Worker_Threads		= 1		# Number of worker threads 
Worker_Fibers		= 50		# Initial number of fibers
Encryption_Threads	= 2		# Number of encryption threads

MessageCache_Size	= 1000		# Amount of message files to cache
DirectoryCache_Size	= 1000		# Amount of directories to cache per cache bucket (8 buckets)
Device_Concurrency	= 5		# Maximum simultanous io operations per device
Upload_PreAllocation	= 0		# 

User_Id_Table   = ..\etc\UserIdTable
Group_Id_Table  = ..\etc\GroupIdTable
Hosts_Rules     = ..\etc\Hosts.Rules

User_Files      = ..\users
Group_Files     = ..\groups
Log_Files	= ..\logs
Cache_Files	= ..\cache

Default_Vfs     = ..\etc\default.vfs
Environment     = ..\etc\ioftpd.env

##################### DEVICES ########################
# [Device Name]
# Host   = <Host/IP>         # External host. Address shown to clients. ( = any local ip)
# Ports  = <Begin-End>       # Ports to use for data transfers. May contain comma seperated list of port ranges.
# Random = <True/False>      # Use ports in random order
# Bind   = <Host/IP>         # Internal host. If specified, connections are bound to this address instead of HOST.
# Global_Inbound_Bandwidth  = <kB/s>  # Limit overall inbound speeds
# Global_Outbound_Bandwidth = <kB/s>  # Limit overall outbound speeds
# Client_Inbound_Bandwidth  = <kB/s>  # Limit client inbound speeds
# Client_Outbound_Bandwidth = <kB/s>  # Limit client outbound speeds

Host				=
Ports				= 1024-2048
Random				= True
;Global_Inbound_Bandwidth	= 10000
;Global_Outbound_Bandwidth	= 10000
;Client_Inbound_Bandwidth	= 100          [*registered version*]
;Client_Outbound_Bandwidth	= 50           [*registered version*]
;Bind				= 

################## END OF DEVICES ####################

##################### SERVICES #######################

Type                    = FTP
Device_Name             = Any
Port                    = 21
Description             = homie
User_Limit              = 10
Allowed_Users           = *
Messages                = ..\text\ftp

### Encryption ###
Require_Encrypted_Auth  = !*
Require_Encrypted_Data  = !*
;Certificate_Name        =
Explicit_Encryption     = True
Encryption_Protocol     = SSL3
Min_Cipher_Strength     = 128
Max_Cipher_Strength	= 256

### IDNT command handler ###
;Get_External_Ident      = False

### Traffic Balancing ###
;Data_Devices            =
;Random_Devices          = True

Type                    = Telnet
Device_Name             = Any
Port                    = 10001
Description             = My Telnet Service
User_Limit              = 10
Allowed_Users           = T !*
Messages                = ..\text\telnet

Type                    = HTTP
Device_Name             = Any
Port                    = 10000
Description             = My HTTP Service
User_Limit              = 50
Allowed_Users           = H !*
Messages                = d:\ioFTPD\text\http
;Certificate_Name        =
;Explicit_Encryption     = False
;Encryption_Protocol     = SSL3
;Min_Cipher_Strength     = 128
;Max_Cipher_Strength     = 384

################## END OF SERVICES ###################

Active_Services            = FTP_Service Telnet_Service HTTP_Service

Ident_Timeout              = 5          # Set ident timeout (seconds)
Hostname_Cache_Duration    = 1800       # Seconds cached hostname is valid
Ident_Cache_Duration       = 120        # Seconds cached ident is valid
Connections_To_Ban         = 1000000         #
Ban_Counter_Reset_Interval = 30         #
Temporary_Ban_Duration     = 1200       # Seconds host remains banned
Internal_Transfer_Buffer   = 65536      # Internal transfer buffer size
Scheduler_Update_Speed     = NORMAL     # Socket scheduler update speed (HIGH/NORMAL/LOW/DISABLED)

Idle_TimeOut		= 120
Login_Attempts		= 3
Login_TimeOut		= 15
Socket_Send_Buffer	= 4096
Socket_Recv_Buffer	= 1024
DataSocket_Nagle	= False
Transfer_Buffer		= 65536 # For maximum scalability, set Transfer & DataSocket buffers to to low values
DataSocket_Send_Buffer	= 32864
DataSocket_Recv_Buffer	= 32864

Idle_TimeOut		= 120
Login_TimeOut		= 15
Socket_Send_Buffer	= 4096
Socket_Recv_Buffer	= 1024

Keep_Alive		= 180
Max_Memory_Content	= 1024000 # Maximum bytes of GET/PUT/POST/HEAD content to cache in memory
;Socket_Send_Buffer	= 16384
;Socket_Recv_Buffer	= 16384

## Maximum of 10 different credit sections ##
# <alias> = <credit section #> <path>
# <alias> = <credit section #> <stats section #> <path>

Home    = 0 1 /home/*
Default = 0 *

# Default attributes for files & directories
# Required Parameters:  <filemode> <owner uid>:<owner gid>

Default_Directory_Attributes    = 755 0:0
Default_File_Attributes         = 644 0:0

# Command specific rules
Modify_Stats_On_Delete  = False

# Detailed permissions for directories
# priviledge    = <virtual path> <rights>
Upload          = * *
Resume		= * *
Download	= * *
MakeDir         = * *
RemoveOwnDir    = * *
RemoveDir       = * 1VM
Rename		= * 1VM
RenameOwn       = * *
Overwrite       = * 1VM
Delete		= * 1VM
DeleteOwn	= * *
NoStats         = * =lSpeed !*

WeeklyReset     = Sunday
MonthlyReset    = 1st

# Scheduler
# Event = <minutes> <hours> <day of month> <day of week> Command
# Internal Commands:
# &Reset          : Resets upload/download counters
# &Service_Update : Reloads devices and Restarts services, if bind ip of service has changed
Reset           = 0 0 * *               &Reset
Service_Update  = 10,30,50 * * *        &Service_Update

;OnUploadError		=
;OnUploadComplete	= EXEC d:\test.bat
;OnUploadComplete	= TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
;OnDownloadError	=
;OnDownloadComplete	=
;OnResume		=
;OnUpload		=
;OnNewDir		=
;OnDelDir		=
;OnLogIn		=
;OnServerStart		=
;OnServerStop		=
;OnServiceStart		=
;OnServiceStop		=

;MessageVariableModule  = ..\modules\cookie.dll
;UserModule             = ..\modules\networkuser.dll
;GroupModule            = ..\modules\networkgroup.dll
;EventModule		= ..\modules\eventmodule.dll

;list =
;stor =
;mkd  =

;mkd  =
;rmd  =
;stor =
;dele =

## SITE <trigger> <parameters>
# trigger       = !file                 # Show file
# trigger       = @string               # Alias
# trigger       = EXEC script.exe       # Execute file.exe
# trigger       = %EXEC script.exe      # Execute file.exe (translate cookies)
# trigger       = TCL script.itcl       # Execute file.itcl
## Examples
# welcome       = !..\text\ftp\welcome.msg
# rehash        = @config rehash
# exec          = EXEC ..\scripts\exec.bat
# myinfo        = %TCL ..\scripts\whoami.itcl %[$user]
# cat           = TCL ..\scripts\showfile.itcl
TCL = TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
#TCL = TCL ..\scripts\bottalk.itcl
BAT = EXEC d:\test.bat
WHO = TCL ..\scripts\BlzBot.itcl
ioGuiExt = EXEC ..\scripts\ioGuiExt.exe

hello	= EXEC d:\ioFTPD\site\bin\hello.bat


## SITE <cmd> ##
# 'M' - MASTER
# 'f' - *** DENIED (UPLOAD)
adduser		= 1GM
deluser		= 1GM
renuser		= 1M
gadduser        = 1GM
grpadd		= 1M
grpdel		= 1M
grpren		= 1M
chgrp		= 1M
kick		= 1GM
kill            = 1M
addip		= 1GM
delip		= 1GM
passwd          = !A *
stats		= !A *
tagline         = !A *
swho            = 1MG
chmod           = !A *
chown		= MV
chattr          = MV
config		= M
uinfo		= 1GM
ginfo           = 1GM
users		= 1GM
groups          = 1GM
shutdown        = M
bans            = 1M
ioGuiExt	= M

adduser		= 1GM
deluser		= 1GM
renuser		= 1M
gadduser        = 1GM
grpadd		= 1M
grpdel		= 1M
grpren		= 1M
kick		= 1GM
kill            = 1M
addip		= 1GM
delip		= 1GM
chmod		= !A *
chown		= MV
chattr		= MV
list		= *
cd		= *
passwd		= *
stats		= *
tagline		= *
swho		= 1MG
chgrp		= 1M
config		= M
uinfo		= 1GM
ginfo           = 1GM
users           = 1GM
groups          = 1GM
shutdown        = M
bans            = 1M


admingroup        = 1M
credits           = 1M
flags             = 1M
groupdescription  = 1M
groupslots        = 1M
groupvfsfile      = M
homedir           = 1GM
logins            = 1M
passwd            = 1GM
ratio             = 1GM
stats             = M
tagline           = 1GM
showjobs          = M
speedlimit        = 1M
vfsfile           = M

users		= 1GM
uinfo		= 1GM
addip		= 1GM
delip		= 1GM
config		= M

der homepath stimmt auch.

ich bin verzweifelt ?!

thx für die hilfe.

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Old 09-14-2005, 11:19 AM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 14

problem gelöst..

lag in der host.rules datei
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Old 10-06-2005, 05:43 AM   #3
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 8

seit gegrüßt @all
ich möchte auch gerne einen server anwählen .wer kann mir den dabei helfen???
wie bekomme ich die adresse passwort und ip nummer.
würde mich riesig freuen wenn mir einer helfen kann
vielen dank im voraus
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Old 10-12-2005, 10:09 AM   #4
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 4

Was magst du haben Nen Server zum anwählen? Wenn du ne FTP-Site meinst, die sind in der Regel privat da kriegt mann nicht einfach so nen Zugang.

Ansonsten wenn du nur mal ne FTP Verbindung herstellen willst versuchs mal mit ftp.t-online.de

therisk is offline   Reply With Quote

1gm, download, ftp, upload

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