All the time on races io keeps crashing (5-12ppl on same rls)
I know ioZS is making trouble on that ...
Here's my current setup:
Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP4 + all latest patches)
2x 1GHZ P3 / 1gig RAM
100mbit line
ioFTPD 5.0.13
ioZS 1.06 (need it for banned MP3 and Size/Time output on Complete ... crashes on 6+ ppl racing and with speeds above 4mb/sec)
ioA 0.8.1 (crashes on rescanning, DVDR fe ... newdate also not working)
NewDir 2.2
ioTRiAL 5.1.9
Anyone knows a good mix of scripts that can do same job ?
i know SnypeTEST is working like insane on his script but till it's done i have to keep the site running without these annoying crashes ...

Too bad zipscript-c is on ice ... it was quite a good idea to take it from linux if it wouldnt create these annoying exe c dump shit and other bugs... :\
PS: No, i won't use/pay for iobanana ...