I've been busy so I haven't been able to check this out more, will tomorrow. Also, I'm currently using 4.0.4 so it might be fixed in 4.1.0, once again will check tomorrow.
First of all i don't know that there is high cpu usage :/, I just couldn't think of a better subject once again I will check tomorrow
I'll skip the story on how I discovered this and all my pain and suffering for now

If I startup my computer without the cat5 plugged into the nic the computer and everything seems to boot properly. However when I go to play a game (Crazy Taxi heh, HTPC type situation and it works with a logitech cordless wingman) and it plays VERY slow like 2 fps. So later I have it hooked up to the net and again try to play, works fine. After alot of playing around and stuff I killed narrowed it down to just ioFTPD. When it runs and it was booted with no net connection is goes very slow, otherwise fine. The computer runs Windows XP Pro SP1 and uses DHCP. Not that i'm the expert on this but it would seem there is a loop or something that occurs when the ip or host it trys to bind to isn't available.
Host =
Ports = 1024-2048
Bind =
Host = (External IP)
Ports = 1024-2048
Bind = (External IP)
And two FTP lines for each
Thanks for any help...
Also if anyone knows any games that work well with a gamepad controller like gta3 or crazy taxy please tell me