Dear bigstar,
it is very cool to see the development and the control back to the right people.
Since two years I have the feeling that there was no step ahead in development under the flag of "inicom". I really like FlashFXP and I use it since years. I hope I'll get happy again with the next update.
But one thing I really have to criticize is that we - the customers - get no information from inicom or from OpenSight - that there is a change.
In e.g.:
I found it out by coincidence - just surfing through my bookmarks.
But all in all, everything is fine.

Old username/password-combo works and the data are correct.
What happend to ioFTPD ?
I bought a license under the flag of inicom (long time ago)
SKU16145 ioFTPD Pro Foundation $30.00 1 $30.00
But it was in a state I decided not to use until it will be useable for me.

I formerly used other ftp-daemons like serv-u/gene6 with pleasure.
ioFTPD was or is far way from pleasure. Any plans for it now?
With best regards
thumps up!