I have a suggestion to include option to DISABLE the protection of passwords into the Sites.dat file.
Why? Because it is, most time, like "protecting the pass from myself" rather that safety precaution.
The case of unnecessary protected pass from the user theirself is mostly valid for home computers used by just one person, so there is no need for such troubles with passwords.
What trouble? Well... for example this:
...is entry for my public FTP, so I could give away the pass easily, it is "blbost", but in case the poor user lost/misplace generated pass from sites witch did NOT allow to change it (lame, but it happens), then user is in deep troubles - because of feature, that was mentioned to help protect the user in the first place
It just happen to me. I have a site, on witch is the pass entry like this one:
But I have no damn idea what crazy passi this will be, I know it is a generated 8 char long crap, but I don't know how to get it from this cryptography.
If anyone (preferably a Flash FXP programmer) could help, decode and PM me it, then I will be extremly grateful for this help
It is from Flash FXP 1.4 build 800, in case someone need this info.
And no, I did NOT using such old version becaue it it cracked/crackable or something like this. I using it, because when I tried Flash FXP v2 lack of auto-resume feature the way it worked best for me. In the v1.4 it simply worked by a way, that is better for me, and it does what I want to be done. It is a bit complicated, so I try explain it as good, as I can. In v1.4, when you are DL files and connection is lost, you can then, when it kick back in choose the Resume All and get away of computer, because it WILL BE remembered. However in v2, this same "Resume All" is lost and witch each connection lost, you have to select the Resume All by hand, witch maked FlashFXP v2 useless for automatic downloading.
Yes, editing the If file exist resume rules is possible to get around this, but it is extremly unpractical, because this is just a editing options and what if I did not want the auto-resume next time and I want overwrite?

For these reasons (and no other flaw in v1.4 build 800, except for the icon (on W2k at least), but I can store the icon in separate file into the FlashFXP dir, so not a problem) I stick with v1.4 - oh, yep, it have a one fault. On W2k system it can't delete file on NTFS drive, but - that's a monir bug. On XP it works, but I hate XP overbloated crap, so...