Shutdown last Flashfxp
This thread is about "On Transfer complete: Shutdown"
When I turn on this feature and the queue is transfered completely, the computer shuts down the way it should.
When I start 2 instances of Flash from the same directory (in the future called flash1 and flash2) and I change the options to "shutdown" in flash1, flash2 also changes this option automatically (because it runs from the same directory). So far so good.
The problem is, that the computer is shut down after flash1 finished the queue, although flash2 is still transfering (and also set to shut down). (Vice Versa)When flash2 finishes first, flash1 will be ignored (the transfer is interrupted due to the shut down).
I'd like to have a global shutdown which occures when all flash instances have finished its queues, as long as they run from the same directory and have the "shutdown" option set.