Aah I see... too bad...
Can you switch between the two methods runtime? And could you do that even
after the user started dragging? Cause then you might use the windows-method by default, and change to your internal method when the other file panel gets a WM_MOUSEMOVE or something

(and back when MOUSEEXIT, etc).
Or your internal method by default, and switch to windows method when the whole FlashFXP windows gets a MOUSEEXIT.. well u know what I mean
Otherwise, would it be a good idea to add an option to use windows-compatible d&d instead of the internal one? I.e. an option to allow dragging to and from FlashFXP and open explorer windows, at the cost of not having d&d inside FlashFXP.
Personally I'd certainly prefer dragging files to & from random folders over having to browse there in FlashFXP's local file view first.