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Old 09-03-2005, 06:57 PM   #1
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Question FlashFXP 3.2 and win reinstall

Recently, I reinstalled the damn winblows, moved from Win2k SP3 to Win2k SP2.

After reinstall, FlashFXP ask for the reg key, I give it to him, and then it restart - and hell - it asked again. And keep asking, untill I did not reinstall it and then it accepted my key

Does this happen just because I changed (SP3 tp SP2) the win a little, or is not normal behaviour?

Will it happen again? (since Im about to try some streamlining in win install - so I will reinstall the crap called windows again )

Could I prevent it by saving the registers and restoring it, after winblows get fresh reinstall?

I did not tried that yet, but there are 5 major FlashFXP branches in registers, and when I save then, it might work well? (it's chÃ*ldish easy to put them all into one file, so... not a problem )

I must admit I even tried modify the key file and tried other, not legal keys, yet nothing help.

So, can FlashFXP could be made to run w/o reinstalling after win reinstall - if the fault was not on my side somehow?
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Old 09-03-2005, 08:22 PM   #2
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The registration info is encoded using parameters of your OS, if you re-install your OS more than likely you'll need to re-enter your key. The registration info is not stored in your registry, it's stored in a file in your FlashFXP folder named "flashfxp.key"

If you create a streamlined copy of the OS that includes FlashFXP once the OS is installed you'll still need to re-enter your registration key.
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Old 09-04-2005, 07:53 AM   #3
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Re-entering the key is okay - anyone can live with that, after such major shock as winblows reinstall.

What I did not getting is, the not accepting the key, untill reinstall.

This does happen because I changed the version of the OS, right?
So, next time I reinstall and use SP2 again, it should just accept the key and did not want reinstall FlashFXP again anymore - at least as long, that the OS version remain the same, right?
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file, flashfxp, key, reinstall, win

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