I have been waiting for this one because for me and I'm sure tons of other users out there we want to set FlashFXP to try to logon to an FTP site with a certain timeout period for a certain number of retries(should be an unlimited option). But this works all very well but commonly a disconnect will occur and then FlashFXP will reconnect and pop up a nasty little menu asking you what action you would like to take (overwrite, resume, etc). Problem is I want to be able to leave my computer for several hours and come back with my files downloaded. Not a message box popped up and a log showing that there was an error and that I am now disconnected. A default action in the settings option would fix this. I think this is an important feature and I have discussed it with other people and they agree that it would be very nice to have this added and it shouldn't take too much coding efforts. Hope this helps
