Heya ho this software 0wns thats why I regged it
I was thinking if it in anyway was possible to add some kind of multi threads (logins to same server) like CuteFTPPro can BUT not in the same crappy way, more like when you starts a transfer, it should ask if you want to use the maximum available connections on the remote server from your IP and if you choose YES, then it should delay 61 secs between attempts and when limit is reached, stop trying, like if the remote server only allows 1 login it should try to do a 2nd login and if it fails then just use 1

Maybe set a MAX at 20 logins or some like that.
Reason is that many public sites allows unlimited logins so they can be real slow from time to time, and it could be nice if you que 20 files on the remote server but it goes at like 2-5K, I would end up with 20 FlashFXPs in my systray
I hope I stated this clear enough