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Old 04-30-2004, 01:38 PM   #1
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Wink New Statusbar Idle Display.

I wish to suggest adding more information to the idle status bar, as it currently looks rather bland with sparse information of little importance.



The new idle display will contain information that most users will find important.

First your connection state. This would consist of "Connected, Logged Off (aka: graceful disconnect), Disconnected (aka: hard abort), Connection Lost (aka: server terminated connection). The actual names of the connection states I'll leave up to Charles. When Connected, it will display how many days,hours,minutes,seconds you had been connected for. I would prefer a format displaying only the two most significant values, such as (1day 2hrs) or (02:43) or (43.59)... This should perhaps be customizable to taste. When Disconnected, it will show a full calandar date and time. (Friday, 30 April 2004 at 1:30 PM) or some similar format. This information is useful as many sites limit your session allowance time.

Second, it would display the last action you performed and the success/failour of that action. "Download Completed, Upload Completed, FXP Completed, Download Failed, etc." This would also display how long ago that action took place. This information is useful as many sites will disconnect you based on your idle time since your last file transfer... known as Anti-Idle Prevention. The example above indicates that a transfer completed 3 hours and 9 minutes ago.

Third, it would simply display "Idle." as it currently does, with the (01.59) since the last command was sent to the server.

Note that the time convention I outlined here uses "." (period) between minutes and seconds, so not to confuse hours and minutes separated by ":" (colon). After 24 hours, the time is written in text format *days *hrs. Charles may or may not offer an option to customize this, however, I feel it is a universally understood format.


- Raccoon
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