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Old 08-01-2003, 09:40 PM   #1
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Default Remote Fxping

I love using flash fxp to transfer files and fxp files. But this would be awsome. Say u know a user that fxps to u but how about actually picking what you want to fxp without the person really having to do anything.

Using an fxp server ran by flash fxp. An option for Remote Fxp should be added and you can actually choose which servers you want to connect and send 2 urself by using the other persons computer. Ofcorse with the use of a password and even ip verfication.

Example : My friend has access to a webserver. I dont. I connect to my freinds computer and his flash fxp screen will come up. I manually connect to my ftp from his flash fxp client and connect to the other server to fxp from. Then i do a normal fxp command except it fxps to my server. Drag which files i want.

The program can be called called remote flash fxp or could just be implemented in a future version of flash fxp. The host (the actuall computer fxping from) can view what was fxped, kick a user, add account, edit account or even go into somthing that could be called blind mode where he doesn;t need to see any of that stuff.

I got this idea when i would use a program like msn whiteboard to view the different persons computer and actually you can allow the user watching to take control of his computer this is how i would manually fxp to myself.

Need more clarification . If so post another msg.
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Old 08-01-2003, 10:00 PM   #2
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There are many programs for this already... such as Synmantic pcAnywhere and many others..
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Old 08-01-2003, 10:02 PM   #3
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yes but that is for anything i am talking about something only for flash fxp and nothing else.

I thought it was a good idea
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Old 08-02-2003, 12:14 AM   #4
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There could be alot of things which would make FFXP do everything for you, but I don't think there is a need to over bloat it when there are programs which already do it..

I'd like FFXP to make me breakfast, but I got someone that can do that already too
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Old 08-02-2003, 12:19 AM   #5
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Im not asking it 2 give me a blow job or something im just saying that would be an awsome tool to have. And not to have 2 buy and use a different program 2 utilize.

But then again i guess ffxp shouldn;t have any room for improvment.

How about we see if people would want this to be implemented or not.

Like i said just a thought and this room is for suggestions last time i checked.
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Old 08-02-2003, 01:18 AM   #6
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Yeah no problem... I was just trying an attempt at humour.

Thank you for your suggestion, it will be considered by the team.
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Old 08-03-2003, 10:34 AM   #7
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As I understand it, you want to remote control the computer you're FXPing from?

If you want remote control then TightVNC offers that functionality for free.

Windows XP Pro also includes the Remote Desktop feature which is faster than VNC. Windows 2000 Server/2003 have Terminal Services.

Since you would be controlling the computer, why shouldn't they just give you the IP and username/password for the FTP sites so you could download it yourself...

A better feature to add would be SFTP support (SSH).
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computer, connect, files, flash, fxp

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