flashfxp is THE best FTP Program on the market ( IMHO ) and also your Freeware Tool FlashSFV is superb. I would love to see a combination of the two.
So lets say you download something from an FTP with an .SFV File, after each download ( say we have 20 Files ) FlashFXP checks it against the .SFV File to make sure it is free of CRC Errors, if its not - the download is marked as "BAD" - if the file is okay it gets some kind of "GOOD" Marking. There should also be an option on what do to with a "BAD" File
1. Delete it
2. Mark it as "BAD" and leave it alone
3. Mark it as "BAD" and re-download it again ( maybe something went wrong during the download ) - if it is still "BAD" it is definitly marked as "BAD" and deleted and the action is logged.
This would make life easier on power downloaders
EDIT: Oops, stupid me - there is already another thread like this. Sorry ( darn it, feel like a newbie now
