I think it would be nice if there could be a way to automaticly check SFV files when download is complete... it's probably hard, but some ftp-servers can do that I think it's possible to include in ftp-client as well?...
I mean when you download a dir with rars and a SFV file in it it could run FlashSfv.exe and check the files....

optimal would be if you could make it redownload the failed files...

or at least make a dir within the dir -- 100% complete -- or something like that...
just a thought probably some hard work to do it tho..
also I would like an option to save queue on exit, you know like it does if you turn off your computer with flash running next time you start it you will get the window with restore queue... I would like to have it so that every time I shut down flash with files in my queue i would get the question if I want to restore files in queue next time I start flash..
uhmmm It seems like you already fixed this in v2 but if not: I would like it to calculate the WHOLE queue in "total time" this means calculate dirs as well as files!