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Old 11-23-2001, 10:00 AM   #1
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Smile A Small Inconvenience....

Hi. I am a network admin that uses flashfxp to access our servers on a daily basis. I use the "Copy URL" feature quite often, but I have found a minor inconvenience with it.

I like to copy the URL's to generate a list of the files that are in a certain directory, to e-mail to the staff of our business. My only thing is that I cannot copy multiple URL's directly from the file listing. I can copy one ata time, but that is no use. What I generally have to do now is go to find files, and enter *.* in a certain directory, and then hit ctrl+u.

Would it be possible to integrate this feature pretty simply? Or maybe, even put in a feature that will generate a .txt file of the file listing in a certain directory.

FlashFXP has been a life-saver in my business, and I will continue to support and recommend it in years to come.

A truly Satisfied cutomer,
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Old 11-23-2001, 02:59 PM   #2
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When adding that to the find dialog I had intended to update the main copy url to also support multi-select. It completely slipped my mind.

It will be added in the next release.
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Old 11-23-2001, 03:46 PM   #3
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Thanks a lot. It will really help me in day-to-day use. Keep up the great work on a spectacular application.
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copy, directory, feature, file, flashfxp

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