Proxy option not working
I'm using multiproxy v1.2a and FlashFXP v1.4.3.
I have a small list of proxies using port 80, but they doesn't work with any type of proxy in FlashFXP.
I know that all proxies work with ftp protocol because if using Flashget I can log into a ftp account easily.
Multiproxy says that, to any program work with the proxy list I have to configure the programs to use the address Yeah, I thougth it was a multiproxy problem, but them i typed manually a single proxy in FlashFXP config (Http proxy), but it doensn't work (neither with other type of proxy).
"<HEAD><TITLE>Tunnel or SSL Forbidden</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="white" FGCOLOR="black"><H1>Tunnel or SSL Forbidden</H1><HR>
<FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial"><B>
Description: 21 is not an allowed port for Tunnel or SSL connections</B></FONT>
<!-- default "Tunnel or SSL Forbidden" response (403) -->
Thats what it says ...
Could anybody help me ?