When I try to connect to a ftp site a lot of times I get 530 not log in. What does this message mean?
This seems to occur on a lot of the sites that I try. Thanks
Big Star thanks for answering my question. You requested the following:
WinSock 2.0
Connecting to Dareamer's Roomper Room
Connection canceled
Connecting to dcormier79
Connected to billybobbullfrog.myftpsite.net Port 21
220 Serv-U FTP Server v3.0 for WinSock ready...
USER billybob
331 User name okay, need password.
PASS (hidden)
530 Not logged in.
Connection failed
Delaying for 301 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
I was under the impression that errors from 1 to 395 were not errors but information. I thought 400 to 499 were user errors and 500 to 599 are server errors. Is this information of mine incorrect?
Could you tell me is the lack of the correct information on my part or the server's part? I copied and pasted the user name and password directly from the owner of the ftp sight? Does the 530 message mean it is the server's error. Meaning the sight isn't logged on?
The server is up, and seems to be accepting logins. The login and/or password isn't accepted, however, so the server gives the 530 message that the user isn't logged in. Obviously this due to lack of correct information on your part.