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Old 02-23-2002, 02:07 PM   #1
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Unhappy Speed Problems... HELP PLEASE

Right now I am on a 100Mbit network at my house. I recently purchased FlashFXP todo all my FTP transfers from computer to computer but I noticed something that has been buggin me alot. My Server is running BulletProof FTP server and is on a Windows 2000 machine. On my computer I am also running Windows 2000. Whenever I connect to the FTP Server and upload or download huge files like over 1 gig i only get at max 800 KB/sec. I doubt this is from the settings I have configured because most of the settings in the options menu look fairly firmiliar. When I try logging onto my FTP Server using IE as my FTP browser, when I upload I get about 10 Megabytes per second upload and/or download.

I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with this or something since on FlashFXP's website there is no way to contact them for support.
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Old 02-23-2002, 05:23 PM   #2
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You shouldn't have any speed problems with downloading, FlashFXP can receieve as fast as your connection can handle.

Uploading on the other hand was not very optimized using 1.4.2 (build 631) or below, Just recently we have optimized it and you need the latest public beta to take full advantage of it. You can download it from the Public beta forum.

Using the latest public beta I get the following results on my 100Mbit LAN w/ MS IIS 5 FTP

Transferred: access-flashfxp.log 25,353,587 bytes in 3.13 (7,897.72 KB/Sec)

Transferred: access-flashfxp.log 25,353,587 bytes in 3.74 (9,023.09 KB/Sec)
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Old 02-25-2002, 09:22 AM   #3
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bigstar, did you notice that your transfer times do not correlate correctly with the speed?

your upload finished in 3.13 yet was only 7,897k
your download finished in 3.74 and it was 9,023k

those "times" should be reversed...might want to look at your code if you truly pasted directly out of flashfxp
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Old 02-25-2002, 01:23 PM   #4
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hmm that is so weird.. I did paste it directly from FlashFXP.. I never noticed that before.. I guesss I'll have to look into that.
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Old 02-25-2002, 01:44 PM   #5
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There was a small bug in my ms to time function, It was rounding when it should have trunicated.

[10:37:53] Transferred: access-flashfxp.log 25,353,587 bytes in 3.13 (7,897.72 KB/Sec)

[10:37:43] Transferred: access-flashfxp.log 25,353,587 bytes in 2.72 (9,089.34 KB/Sec)
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computer, ftp, server, settings, upload

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