Over to you Cenzo! I would also like to add that this problem doesn't occur when you upload directly to his site, so it seems something is causing a timeout when FXP'ing.
I guess it does not get fixed then. No other users have any problems except this user. The router is setup correctly as is the server software.
Im not buying a new/diff router just for this fxp program that wont play nicely even though every other transfer program on the planet works flawlessly.
Well, there are many posts on this topic and not many solutions that are working.
The programmers should create a setting to retry transfers until they are completed by chking the host and remote sizes of files and keep retrying them until the files sizes match.
Now im stuck with this unsolveable problem and my client thats connecting to me is forced to manually retry over and over the files until they are full size.
Anyone know of any other programs like this one that works with linksys routers or have size matching and/or more control for problems like this?