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03-20-2003, 09:32 AM
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Posts: 14
No its not a secure connection. I have tried everything that I can think of, and nothing is helping out.
Recently I received this pc at work, I used to have a slower one (350 mhz pII with win95 sp2) on this exact same connection, and the old flash fxp1.4 worked fine. Nothing has changed other than this pc ( winXP, p4 1.8ghz ) using flashfxp 2.0 build 906, and this is when I began to have problems.
Is there anything else that you can think of that would be worth trying??
I will post my log below just for your review, I have "xxx" out the IP address's.
WinSock 2.0
Connecting to lugnut
Connected to 68.xx.xx.86 Port 351
220 G6 FTP Server ready ...
USER lugnut
331 Password required for lugnut.
PASS (hidden)
230- Welcome To: Lugnuttz Rockin Server!
230 User lugnut logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
257 "/D:/" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,242,133).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31291; transfer starting.
226 File sent ok.
CWD test
250 CWD command successful. "/D:/test" is current directory.
257 "/D:/test" is current directory.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,95,245).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31352; transfer starting.
226 File sent ok.
200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,35,238).
STOR Blanket cover letter.doc
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31526; transfer starting for Blanket cover letter.doc.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Blanket cover letter.doc 19 KB in 0.23 (19.50 KBps)
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,252,178).
STOR Emergency ph#.doc
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31527; transfer starting for Emergency ph#.doc.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Emergency ph#.doc 25 KB in 0.31 (25.00 KBps)
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,81,45).
STOR Fax - intergrated supply mgmt.doc
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31528; transfer starting for Fax - intergrated supply mgmt.doc.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Fax - intergrated supply mgmt.doc 38 KB in 0.42 (38.50 KBps)
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,17,185).
STOR Fax log.xls
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31529; transfer starting for Fax log.xls.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Fax log.xls 28 KB in 0.25 (28.00 KBps)
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,29,175).
STOR Fec pricing survey oct 2002.xls
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31530; transfer starting for Fec pricing survey oct 2002.xls.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Fec pricing survey oct 2002.xls 47 KB in 0.39 (47.00 KBps)
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,222,102).
STOR Metro billing.doc
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31575; transfer starting for Metro billing.doc.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Metro billing.doc 20 KB in 0.39 (20.00 KBps)
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,143,183).
STOR Pager log.xls
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31620; transfer starting for Pager log.xls.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Pager log.xls 18 KB in 0.23 (18.50 KBps)
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,179,174).
STOR Polog.xls
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31683; transfer starting for Polog.xls.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Polog.xls 34 KB in 0.34 (34.00 KBps)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 8 files totaling 230 KB in 5.03 (28.81 KBps)
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,29,95).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:31758; transfer starting.
226 File sent ok.
200 NOOP command successful.
221 Bye bye ...
Logged off: lugnut
03-20-2003, 03:29 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
Preferences > Transfer Tab
Uncheck "Smart Mode Handling" and see if that helps
03-20-2003, 03:41 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 14
no change.... still the same after I changed "smart mode handling"
03-22-2003, 03:50 PM
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FlashFXP Registered User
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Posts: 134
Originally posted by bigstar
Are you using ZoneAlarm or any other software firewall? For some reason they seem to conflict with FlashFXP. Disabling a software firewall isn't always enough and uninstalling it is required.
I've uploaded a 7 MB file with FlashFXP while running ZoneAlarm, and there were no problems with the filesize.
03-23-2003, 11:23 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 14
Zone alarm did not seem to be my problem either, and it doesn't seem that anyone has any idea why I am having this problem. I am open for other suggestions... Please help!
Thanks in advance.
03-31-2003, 02:11 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 14
OK I have found a friends site that I transfer to just fine, but mine and several others are still cutting files short. I posted my log earlier, and Ill paste my log from his site, along with another example. Maybe someone can compare the two logs and tell me what the difference is. On the site that works I seem to get a reply when it tries PASV, it sends "500 'P@SW': command not understood." back. Is it a setting that I can set in my client or is it something that is set in his Server.
I would also like to add these two servers are the same type, both are G6 servers.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I do not leaving proplems unresolved.
Thank you
************* Good working Server Log ***************
WinSock 2.0
Connecting to wireguided
Connected to Port 21
220-Wire's Media Haven by G6 FTP Server ready ...
USER brian
331 Password required for brian.
PASS (hidden)
230 User brian logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
257 "/C:/Ftp" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
500 'P@SW': command not understood.
PORT 192,168,1,xxx,17,64
200 Port command successful.
150 Opening data connection for directory list.
226 File sent ok.
CWD + Uploads
250 CWD command successful. "/C:/Ftp/+ Uploads" is current directory.
257 "/C:/Ftp/+ Uploads" is current directory.
500 'P@SW': command not understood.
PORT 192,168,1,xxx,17,65
200 Port command successful.
150 Opening data connection for directory list.
226 File sent ok.
221 See ya soon...hope you found what you were looking for
Logged off: wireguided
************ Site that files are received short *************
Connecting to lugnut
Connected to 68.xx.xx.86 Port 251
220 Lugnuttz Rockin Server
USER lugnut
331 Password required for lugnut.
PASS (hidden)
230- Welcome To: Lugnuttz Rockin Server!
230 User lugnut logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
REST 100
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 100.
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 0.
257 "/D:/" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,115,125).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.21.146:7615; transfer starting.
226 Transfer ok
CWD Downloads
250 CWD command successful. "/D:/Downloads" is current directory.
257 "/D:/Downloads" is current directory.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,230,244).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.21.146:7617; transfer starting.
226 Transfer ok
221 Bye bye ...
Logged off: lugnut
04-01-2003, 02:50 PM
Senior Member
FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 136
We've determined that the FTP Server reports that the file size is smaller than it ought to be, BUT, have we tried downloading the files and actually CHECKING for truncation or corruption?
Perhaps the files are fine and the server is reporting their sizes wrong, or reporting some compressed filesize.
Lets upload a control file, download it, and perform a byte-for-byte comparison on it.
Also, you haven't told us if the files being uploaded ARE ascii files or not. It is possible your FlashFXP settings are putting it in ASCII mode for ASCII files and you're just missing it (or the info is hidden?) So...
Try uploading a .txt extension file, then try uploading a .bmp extension file.
- Raccoon
EDIT: Oops, sorry... I didn't notice a second page before I posted.
04-01-2003, 03:21 PM
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FlashFXP Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 134
If it does happen to be that the files are simply being reported smaller (and not actually being truncated or corrupted), it may be because of the OS the server is running on. ASCII files on *nix will be smaller than they are on Windows, because Windows uses CRLF (\r\n)for newlines, where as *nix uses LF (\n). This causes ASCII files to be slightly smaller on a *nix operating system.
04-01-2003, 03:37 PM
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FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 136
Originally posted by epp_b
This causes ASCII files to be slightly smaller on a *nix operating system.
Yes, but that is only if you transfer the file in ASCII mode (Type A), at least it SHOULD be. The server can easily ignore this and convert the file anyway. Thats why I suggested actually trying files of different extension.
- Raccoon
04-02-2003, 09:50 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 14
The first log I posted, was a test for sending some word documents and excel documents. I have also tested .rar files, and mp3 files, and yes I have confirmed that the files are corrupt, and the file sizes are actually smaller than the original. It is not the reporting from the server.
The operating systems that the servers run on are WinXP and Win2k, I get the same results from either system, and if it matters, they are using the FAT32 file system.
As far as your question is for the ASCII mode, I dont know how to answer that question, please tell me what to look for or do, and I can answer that question for you.
Thanks again for continuing on trying to resolve this ongoing problem.
04-02-2003, 02:57 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
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Posts: 8,012
The logs you provided above didn't include the necessary information to determine if the files were uploaded in ASCII or BINARY mode.
I can't say for certain but perhaps there is a compatiblity issue with FlashFXP and G6, G6 is quite old and has been renamed to BPftpd. Perhaps upgrading to the current version of BPftpd would resolve these problems.
04-02-2003, 04:27 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 14
I have upgraded to BPFTP recently thinking that it may have something to do with it, and I get the same results. Also I found in the preferences, where you can select binary, ASCII, or auto, mine was set to auto. I manually changed it to binary and tried a transfer, and got the same results. Then I tried ASCII and tried it again, and got the same results.
04-03-2003, 02:35 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 14
Here is a log I thought you may find interesting... I tried to upload a excel document at 22kb. I had to resume it 4 times to get it to complete. In the log you can see it says its transfered complete, and then I hit f5 to refresh, and see its smaller so then I transfer the same file again, and it resumes and says its complete once again. I did this 4 times to get the file to complete 22kb. If I dont do this the files are corrupt and will not open. Here is the log...
WinSock 2.0
Connecting to lugnut
Connected to 68.xx.xx.86 Port 351
220 Lugnuttz Rockin Server
USER lugnut
331 Password required for lugnut.
PASS (hidden)
230- Welcome To: Lugnuttz Rockin Server!
230 User lugnut logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
REST 100
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 100.
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 0.
257 "/D:/" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,232,191).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25674; transfer starting.
226 Transfer ok
CWD Misc bkup
250 CWD command successful. "/D:/Misc bkup" is current directory.
257 "/D:/Misc bkup" is current directory.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,194,56).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25675; transfer starting.
226 Transfer ok
200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,45,34).
STOR Psx games - mr_bone.xls
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25676; transfer starting for Psx games - mr_bone.xls.
226 File received ok.
Transferred: Psx games - mr_bone.xls 22 KB in 0.20 (22.00 KBps)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 1 file totaling 22 KB in 0.75 (22.00 KBps)
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,115,215).
REST 7300
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 7300.
STOR Psx games - mr_bone.xls
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25677; transfer starting for Psx games - mr_bone.xls.
226 File received ok.
Resumed: Psx games - mr_bone.xls 14 KB in 0.23 (14.87 KBps)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 1 file totaling 14 KB in 0.47 (14.87 KBps)
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,44,162).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25678; transfer starting.
226 Transfer ok
200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,48,196).
REST 14600
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 14600.
STOR Psx games - mr_bone.xls
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25679; transfer starting for Psx games - mr_bone.xls.
226 File received ok.
Resumed: Psx games - mr_bone.xls 7 KB in 0.19 (7.74 KBps)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 1 file totaling 7 KB in 0.44 (7.74 KBps)
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,240,196).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25680; transfer starting.
226 Transfer ok
200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,20,142).
REST 21900
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 21900.
STOR Psx games - mr_bone.xls
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25682; transfer starting for Psx games - mr_bone.xls.
226 File received ok.
Resumed: Psx games - mr_bone.xls 628 bytes in 0.20 (0.61 KBps)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 1 file totaling 628 bytes in 0.50 (0.61 KBps)
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,xx,xx,86,33,34).
150 Data connection accepted from 216.xx.xx.146:25683; transfer starting.
226 Transfer ok
221 Bye bye ...
Logged off: lugnut
04-03-2003, 06:17 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
would it be possible to give me access to your server so that I may investigate this matter further? you can contact me at
04-11-2003, 01:07 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 14
Thanks bigstar, and everyone else who helped out with my problem.... Turns out the problem went away by switching my port back to 21. It seemed to work good, until I ran into this problem, its the first and only problem that I had with it. It may have something to do with my network connections here at work combined with the BPFTP software, although I did not have a problem until they upgraded my pc at work either... So who really knows, but my problem is solved by switching back to port 21...
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