Need help w/Dissconnect after Upload of large file.
I am using:
FXP Version 2.0 RC3 Build 875
Windows 2000
When I connect to an FTP site and attempt to
upload a file or queue of files... The client times
out after the larger size files.
For instance, I queue up a whole directory...
Every file under 1Mb transfers just fine... but
the larger WinRar files of 14 and 15Mb... go
all the way through... and then at the end of the
file they just sit... until the server times out my
I did search... and found a thread as recent as January covering this same topic... however I read ever post in the thread and found no solution to the other person's problem... except a suggestion that we use "Close unused FTP connections durring transfer" which You said wasn't going to help.
Anyway... it did fix my problem... as well as I found that my Upload "obey speedlimit" had come pre-configured at 20KB/Sec...