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Old 02-05-2003, 04:12 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 1
Default Is it possible to automate downloads?

I was wondering.. if this was possible.. once again this is something for very lazy or very busy (me me) people..

check this out..
I was wondering if it's possible to write a script or series of commands that would:

1) search a folder (with all the subfolders) for a file named say "data_update020103.pdf"
2) if such file is found, download the whole folder that it's in
3) if more then one folder with that criteria found, download them too

let me tell you why i'm curious about this...
i go to an ftp to download updated pdf files for my company, those files are in separate directories with the first file named "data_update######.pdf" where ###### is current date.. and the following files are the ones that i need.
and there are several directories like that..
and i'd like to have the directories for the current date automatically donwloaded..

i know this seems kinda weird.. but i'm jsut looking for more efficient ways of downloading those files..

by the way the server runs glftpd
i'm not totally sure if glftpd support searching for files.. i've only seen directories so far..

n666 is offline  

directories, download, file, files, folder

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