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Old 12-27-2002, 05:13 AM   #1
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Default Port Redirect Thing

i have problems with several ftp servers. the isp capped the speed to specific ip ranges so i can hardly get any downloadspeed from those sites.

only port 80 is uncapped. but if i use the hiport / loport funtion in the ini ffxp still uses ports over 1700 to establish the data conn.

isnt it possible to tell fxxp to only use port 80 as data port ? that would solve all my problems.

or is there any tool which can redirect all the ports ffxp uses for data connection to port 80 ?

ffxp --> port ??? ---> tool --> port 80 --> server
that would be also a solution i think. but i didnt find anything that can do this.
a tool which listens on multiple ports and redirects them to port 80

mayb someone can help
thx in advance
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Old 12-27-2002, 05:51 AM   #2
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Most ftp servers will not accept a local port less than 1024 for security reasons. Based on that FlashFXP prevents you from entering a port less than 1024.

You sure they dont limit incoming connections to port 80? it might be port 80 outgoing only. there's a big difference.
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Old 12-27-2002, 06:03 AM   #3
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i use a ftp server with limited data port range atm. my firewall says there is a outgoing connection from port 80 to something above 3000 on the remote machine when fxping from the site to my local ftp

so this is like someone from the remote's isp is visiting a web server here.

the speed is fine otherwise they would speed down the speed for surfing the web for their own customers.

think i understood that correctly. dont have much knowledge about such port stuff.

the thing is that data transfers are fast now (fxp from site to my local ftp) but dir listing etc on the site is still damn slow cause other ports than 80 are used for that

i want to leech without ftpserver so i have to tell ffxp to use port 80 for data conns. dunno if it's possible to do what i think of.
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Old 12-27-2002, 07:15 AM   #4
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I see. Unfortunately you wont be able to do that with FlashFXP.
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data, ffxp, port, ports, tool

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