I finally found the answer to the question.
First off MxxCon none of the Flash versions work with none of the OS'es with AOL 7.0 and you should already know this.
Now you drop and give me 50.
AOL 7.0 uses a non-standard TCP/IP Protocol that prevents the use of 3rd Party software. AOL's own FTP program only lets you connect to Port 21 PUBS.
Now the good news. After many complaints AOL 8.0, which is in final Beta Testing is going to use standard TCP/IP Protocols which means that FlashFXP will work with AOL 8.0
It should be available within 30 Days.
There is another customer base of 30+ Million Users that are potential customers. Add that to AOL China going on-line next month and that is a powerhouse.
Thanks guys and give me those push-ups now MxxCon.