Recently i wanted to make my ftp look better, and i started customizing the login message. It seems however that FlashFXP
interpretate the message different then Notepad does. Now all the characters are not lined up etc. So my question is do you know a editor which is compatible with FlashFXP or what characterset is compatible? The major problem seems that the size of the space and tab are much smaller in FlashFXP than in other editors. Thank you very much for any idea's on this one.
You need to use the same font for designing and viewing, Since FlashFXP allows the user to choose the font they might not be using the same one you designed your welcome message for.
i think it's better work with proportional fonts like "lucida console", "fixedsys", "terminal".
this way even *nix or apple users will see exactly what you want them to see.