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Old 05-02-2002, 07:46 AM   #1
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Default Connection Lost after finished file from queue


sometimes if i have more files from the same ftp (same directory) in queue, flashfxp loses the connection after completing every file from queue.That means: if a file from queue is finished,flashfxp lost connections to server and reconnect (first try to reconnect wont work because the ftp server thinks,i try to login with more than 1 connection).Thats a big problem in user limited ftp's.
I have this problem with all FlashFXP builds.

I use Zonealarm Pro v3.0.118 Firewall.

I hope there is a fix for this problem, i'm a registered user and like FlashFXP.

Old 05-02-2002, 12:49 PM   #2
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I seem to recall this being a problem with Zone Alarm, If you search the message board you may find similar posts.

I don't recall anyone coming up with a solution other than turning off Zone Alarm. Perhaps there was an option they missed.
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Old 05-09-2002, 06:17 AM   #3
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I have the same exact problem. If I transfer file in qeue it would skip the next file than stalls and eventally hang up. I am not running zone alram I think it just happened recently with this build.
Old 05-10-2002, 01:52 PM   #4
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Same problem here
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Old 05-21-2002, 03:19 AM   #5
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... or flashfxp doesnt detect end of transfer. i have the same problem, i'm behind nat firewall, build 846.

please pay attention to this because it's the only reason i have to use smartftp :/ otherwise flashfxp is great.
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Old 05-21-2002, 03:24 AM   #6
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This was mentioned in another thread, I don't recall which. But the problem had something to do with the router idling out and closing the connection.

If this is in fact a bug in FlashFXP I have no way of reproducing it, I have tried many many times. If anyone has any suggestions that might resolve the problem I would love to hear from you. I'll be happy to try anything within reason.
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Old 05-21-2002, 05:42 AM   #7
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Default lost connection after transfer

OK I think I figured it out. It is on the server side. My friend was using g6 as the server. I had him boost the buffer from 4096 to 8192 and everything seems to be owrking fine now. Is it possible to set that upload/download buffer in flashfxp? where you can change buffer size?
Old 05-21-2002, 06:06 AM   #8
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Default suggestions

since we are able to see the end of transfer from the log, flashfxp must be able to do it as well. (parse the log?)

226 Transfer complete.
226 [other server messages]

(it's here where normally flashfxp issues its "transfer complete" message into the log, but as you can see here, we get nothing until...)

421 No Transfer Timeout (90 seconds): closing control connection.

the server is glftpd 1.26_Linux but i suppose other servers have similar if the same messages?
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Old 05-21-2002, 03:55 PM   #9
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Default Re: lost connection after transfer

Originally posted by kublai
OK I think I figured it out. It is on the server side. My friend was using g6 as the server. I had him boost the buffer from 4096 to 8192 and everything seems to be owrking fine now. Is it possible to set that upload/download buffer in flashfxp? where you can change buffer size?
The buffer size cannot be changed in FlashFXP. FlashFXP uses a 4096 buffer size for uploading. The download buffer size is dynamic and can hold as much data as is availible to read.

I don't see how adjusting socket buffer size would resolve this problem. It seems very strange.

I've never tested FlashFXP with g6 perhaps there is a compatiblity issue? Can anyone setup a g6 server so that I can do some testing? Send me a PM if you can help. Thanks.
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Old 05-21-2002, 04:03 PM   #10
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Default Re: suggestions

Originally posted by space_ace
since we are able to see the end of transfer from the log, flashfxp must be able to do it as well. (parse the log?)

226 Transfer complete.
226 [other server messages]

(it's here where normally flashfxp issues its "transfer complete" message into the log, but as you can see here, we get nothing until...)

421 No Transfer Timeout (90 seconds): closing control connection.

the server is glftpd 1.26_Linux but i suppose other servers have similar if the same messages?
When downloading the "transfer complete" message is sent when the FTP server has completed sending all of the data, that does not mean the FTP client has reiceved all of the data.

If you're on a very slow dialup connection it may take more than 90 seconds for all of the remaining data to be recieved.

The transfer is not considered complete by the FTP client until the amount of data read equals the expected size of the file, in some cases the file may be larger than expected, in which case we keep reading until the connection is closed.

I've seen alot of ftp clients that keep you in the dark about the "226 transfer complete" message recieved from the ftp server, they don't show the user until the transfer has actually completed. FlashFXP on the other hand immediately shows you even if the transfer hasn't actually completed.
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file, flashfxp, problem, queue, server

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