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Old 02-20-2002, 01:13 PM   #1
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Default Crash Recovery does not work on Windows Startup

Firstly, I have a purchased version of FlashFXP (so it ISN'T cracked).

I have configured FlashFXP to load on Startup so that should Windows crash, once rebooted FlashFXP will load and display the recovered queue, so that I can then re-start the transfer.

However, this does not work. It loads up Flash as normal; but with no Crash Recovery. This is the same even if I add the command-line parameters for it to load in the tray: -tray .

I do have Crash Recovery turned on, and anytime I load up Flash manually, the Crash Recovery works great.

I am running Windows XP Pro, and Flash is run from the All Users Startup folder.

If a fix is implemented, I would like to request that when using the -tray parameters, the Crash Recovery screen will be on the desktop, even though Flash is in the tray. This way one can resume their transfers immediately upon rebooting.

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Old 02-20-2002, 01:56 PM   #2
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When FlashFXP is used with the -tray param the crash recovery dialog is not displayed, showing the crash recovery dialog would prevent the minimizing to tray.

As long as you do not pass a command line to FlashFXP, it should display the crash recovery window on startup in windows start up folder. I tested and confirmed that this works.
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Old 02-20-2002, 04:21 PM   #3
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I wonder if anyone else has experienced this problem; because I recently removed the -tray parameter but still did not get the dialog...

Regardless, I will try it without the parameter for a while longer, and report back if it does not perform as expected
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Old 02-20-2002, 05:32 PM   #4
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If you start FlashFXP manually does it appear? Perhaps you have it disabled. You can access it via the Queue menu | Restore Queue.
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Old 02-20-2002, 05:44 PM   #5
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If I start it manually, even by using the Startup folder shortcut, it appears no problem.

I also definitely have a queue to recover, as shows me the temp queues with F11.

I'm wondering if it depends on how many other applications are starting when you boot... Anyways, I will try it a few more times on this machine and see what happens
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Old 02-20-2002, 06:53 PM   #6
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Just out of curiosity, do you really crash often? i'm running XP Pro as well, and NEVER crash..NEVER NEVER NEVER! I have months of uptime. That being said, there would be no reason not to just start flashfxp normally...anyway, just my 2 cents..
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Old 02-21-2002, 02:25 AM   #7
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People that power down their PCs when not using them might want to start flashfxp automatically. The fact that Ethanol crashes "alot" may be related to use of beta- or non-signed drivers, incompatible DLLs or simply cranky hardware. My XPs crash two, three times a week.
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Old 02-21-2002, 04:46 PM   #8
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Well that's the whole point of "Crash Recovery"!

When my computer starts back up, I wish to see the problem queue and restart it. If I didn't load it on Startup, then I often forget to restart my transfers.

I don't use it just when Windows crashes; I also use it when I perform a manual reboot half way through a transfer.

However, I have since tried it without the -tray, and on the several times I have rebooted it seems to be working great. Just thought it would be nice to have the Crash Recovery mode on Startup; alas BigStar has no plans for this.

I do install a lot of programs, and run a lot at the same time as well. The longest uptime I have had is about 4 days, by which time I need to reboot my machine for an installation of some sort or another.

Mathematically, assuming that Linkster had XP since the release date, he has only rebooted XP about 2 or 3 times...! I envy you
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crash, flash, load, recovery, tray

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