Flash FXP steals the focus when it is trying to promp for action (ie replace/resume file etc) despite the fact that I have set for applications not to be allowed to do this using Microsoft's Tweak UI (instead the application flashes the taskbar)
I have had no other program stealing the focus since changing the setting in Tweak UI, so I belive it could well be a FlashFXP issue.
This is a rather annoying bug, as I was working in another window, when flashfxp poped up the replace/resume dialog, as i was typing it went to replace the file - without me realising it had poped up the dialog

- and a rather large download was lost.
* FlashFXP v[ 2].[1 ], build [924 ], [ ]registered, [ # ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [ ] WinXP, [ # ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [ ] Yes & Model [ ], [ ] No, [ # ] Not sure
* Running firewall [ # ] Yes, Name [ Tiny Personal Firewall ], Ver. [ 2.015 ], or [ ] No
* Running Antivirus [ # ] Yes, Name [ MaAfee VirusScan 7 Home ] or [ ] No
* Network [ ] xDSL, [ # ] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other