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Old 01-09-2003, 05:56 AM   #1
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Question Corrupted Download of txt-file


I'm having trouble downloading a backup from a MySql database. The backup is actually a dump to a regular text-file. Problem is this: downloading the file results in corrupted data. I've tried both binary and ASCII mode - same result. When I use the good old LeechFTP software however, everything works just fine, both in binary and ASCII mode.

I've read some previous treads with problems like this and from what I've read there I can say:
- Yes I use ZoneAlarm, but shutting it down does not solve the problem.
- I have disabled the 'Smart mode handling' preference in the Advanced section: no change.

Some ideas:
- downloading the very same backup used to work untill today. So I suppose it must have something to do with the fact that in the meantime my database has grown, resulting in longer lines in the dump (txt-file). One line (one big table) in this file has grown to around 300Kb.
- Could this be a bug ???

- FlashFXP v2.0 (build 906) - registered version
- OS: Win2000
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Old 01-09-2003, 03:21 PM   #2
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FlashFXP doesn't process the incoming data in any way, It's read from the socket and saved directly to the file. This is true for ASCII and Binary transfers.

Do you have any way of comparing the downloaded file? I would be interested in knowing exactly how it was corrupted. (i.e. containing corrupted data and where, smaller or larger size)

I would suspect the problem lies not in FlashFXP but elsewhere. Otherwise we'd have lots of angry users, with over 1 million downloads since v2.0 was released.

ZoneAlarm and a few other firewalls are still active even when they claim to be disabled. It's possible that ZoneAlarm is conflicting with FlashFXP and causing corruption, ZoneAlarm has been to blame for many problems in the past.
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Old 01-10-2003, 04:45 AM   #3
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Thanks for the reply.

First of all I want to make one thing very clear: FlashFXP is a very good tool. I have tried several other FTP-clients and nothing could compare to FlashFXP. I have to manage a very complex site and I can only express my gratitude since FlashFCP has made my life a whole lot easier (and I really mean 'a whole lot') !!

But still there is this problem. I have been able to get some more details on how this file was corrupted. There is nothing wrong with the file-sizes, but when I try to restore the (txt-)backup there is always this error message: "Unknown command '\L'" (for ASCII-download). That's why I think it must have something to do with some end-of-line characters in the excessively long line that holds all data on the largest table in my database in this text-file. Somehow there must have occurred some conversion or something - I couldn't say (I'm not too much of an FTP expert).
Anyway: if I strip all other lines and keep only the line with the data of this big table (resulting in a 284Kb heavy line in this text-file) it is clear that the problem is in there.

Strange thing is things still work when I use some freeware FTP-client. Problem is ONLY there when using FlashFXP, so that says something, no?

If you like I could send you the 2 files (one downloaded using FlashFXP and corrupted - and one downloaded using freeware client and uncorrupted). Perhabs you have better means to look for the root of this corruption?

I'm not telling this IS a bug, but I'm only wondering if it COULD BE one. Anyway, I would really like to know how to solve it...

Best regards.
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Old 01-10-2003, 02:53 PM   #4
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Using the freeware ftp client you downloaded in ASCII mode?

Based on the error message when restoring I suspect the file must be transferred in Binary mode.

Provided the freeware ftp client and FlashFXP are using the exact same settings you should end up with two identical files.

I would be interested in comparing the original file and the one downloaded with FlashFXP in Binary mode.

I've conducted some tests with downloading a mysql dump from my webserver and then importing it back. I had no problems when using Binary mode.

When you enable Binary mode in FlashFXP take a look at the status window and insure Binary mode is actually being used.
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backup, downloading, file, mode, txt-file

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