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Old 09-09-2010, 08:47 PM   #1
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Default What happened to Ctrl+U?

I've been frequently using the ctrl u shortcut to copy url on FlashFXP 3
I'd really appreciate if the new version gets it since I'm a firm disbeliever of right-clicks.
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Old 09-10-2010, 06:34 AM   #2
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In v4.0 there are multiple copy url options, which one should be assigned to ctrl u?
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:47 AM   #3
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The HTTP option will be handy for me.
It'll also do if a small window pops and you'd be asked which option you'd choose
(like the one you'd be asked the "copy ID and password?" thing in v3.0), but personally, I'd be always choosing the HTTP option anyways.

BTW, another seemingly eliminated feature I'm missing is where you used to be able to move (ctrl m) an object to a not-yet-created folder, creating a folder and moving the object there at the same time.
like when you want to move a file located in /2010/09/10/ to the destination /2010/09/13/ where there isn't a folder named "13" yet?
In v4.0 RC2 when you enter a nonexistent directory as the destination you get the "Move Failure!" message, so it seems like you need to create the destination folder beforehand to move an object there.
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Old 09-10-2010, 10:28 AM   #4
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The move feature has never been able to move to a location that doesn't exist.

I will add a button to the move folder dialog "New Folder" to allow this.

I am still trying to decide on which way I want to re-implement Ctrl U
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Old 09-10-2010, 07:09 PM   #5
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Sorry, I thought v3 automatically created the new locations but those must have been folders already created by my colleagues.
But the New Folder button would be great! thanks!
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Old 09-12-2010, 04:30 PM   #6
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I decided to change Ctrl+U to a prompt allowing the user to select which format they want to copy, a new build was released to registered users with this fix, if you're a registered user you can download the update from the customer portal.
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disbeliever, firm, flashfxp, right-clicks, version

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