Request: File Exist Rules/Auto Resume
So I tried FlashFXP for a few days and bought it yesterday. I've been using the 3.0 RC3 build since then. I'm very happy with it, it's much better than the FTP client I used to use, there's only ONE thing I've found so far that I would like to see changed.
In file exist rules (under the options menu), there are options on what to do if a file already exists. Usually in this case I would like it to resume, but not always, so "Ask" is a good choice for me.
But there's the "On ask, wait (X) seconds and then overwrite."
I'd really, really like to see an "On ask, wait (X) seconds and then resume" option. Perhaps a better option would be, "On ask, wait (X) seconds and then _____ (you pick from another drop-down menu, having the choice overwrite/resume/skip)."