* FlashFXP v[3].[0], build [998], [x]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [x] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [ ] Yes & Model [ ], [x] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [x] Yes, Name [Kerio Personal Firewall], Ver. [4.0.16], or [ ] No
* Running Antivirus [x] Yes, Name [Norton Antivirus] or [ ] No
* Network [ ] xDSL, [ ] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [x] Other
This is from my status window when I'm trying to download a 0-byte files using TLS (same with SSL btw)
[R] RETR [site]-[COMPLETE]-[52F@732.3MB_at_967KBps]-[site]
[R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session..
[R] 550 [site]-[COMPLETE]-[52F@732.3MB_at_967KBps]-[site]: Permission denied.
Transferred: [site]-[COMPLETE]-[52F@732.3MB_at_967KBps]-[site] 0 bytes in 0,00 seconds
I tried it several times and the file is downloaded (well created at least

Seems like it's TLS/SSL that is the problem, this is without any encryption at all
[R] RETR [site]-[COMPLETE]-[52F@732.3MB_at_967KBps]-[site]
[R] 550 [site]-[COMPLETE]-[52F@732.3MB_at_967KBps]-[site]: Permission denied.
[R] Transfer Failed!
Found a little error when it comes to uploads too. This is when i tried to upload a zip-file in a directory where it was not allowed using TLS:
[R] STOR testfile.zip
[R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session..
Transferred: testfile.zip 5 KB in 0,00 seconds (0,1 KB/s)
[R] 550 testfile.zip: Permission denied.
Here it seems like the file is uploaded, but it never appeares on the site. First i thought this would have been a server problem (using ioFTPD 5-8-5r) but it only happens when I use encryption, so without TLS/SSL i get this:
[R] STOR testfile.zip
[R] 550 testfile.zip: Permission denied.
[R] Transfer Failed!