Hey bigstar,
i just encountered another fatal error with flash:
---------------------------19:44:20 23/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EFOpenError' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00012C3E
Cannot open file C:\PROGRA~1\FlashFXP\Stats.dat
Source file: Classes.pas, Line 3584
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00413C3E [FlashFXP.exe] (Classes.pas, line 3584)
:00465D64 [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 430)
:0046564F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 219)
:00514BB4 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2374)
:00491582 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2730)
:00490674 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2139)
:00492F1A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 3660)
:77D43A5F [user32.dll]
:77D43B2E [user32.dll]
:77D43D6A [user32.dll]
:77D441FD [user32.dll]
:0051AB13 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 4723)
:00517877 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 3488)
:00513701 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2028)
:004423FC [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 4233)
:004357DA [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3078)
:004448BB [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 5571)
:00432B2E [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 1451)
:77D43A5F [user32.dll]
:77D43B2E [user32.dll]
:77D47419 [user32.dll]
:77D47438 [user32.dll]
:77341C2D [comctl32.dll]
:77341D02 [comctl32.dll]
:77341C0B [comctl32.dll]
:7738923D [comctl32.dll]
:77341D02 [comctl32.dll]
:77341C72 [comctl32.dll]
:77D43A5F [user32.dll]
:77D43B2E [user32.dll]
:77D43D6A [user32.dll]
:77D441FD [user32.dll]
:0054A3D1 [FlashFXP.exe] (FlashFXP.dpr, line 221)
:77E7EB69 [kernel32.dll]
This is what i found in the debug.log. Really no idea how to reproduce it however

I'm running Windows XP.