08-04-2002, 06:45 PM
FlashFXP Scripter ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 75
debug.log entries for build 869
Hey bigstar,
I hope this shows you what is going wrong:
---------------------------12:44:08 04/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00035214
Access violation at address 00436214 in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 00000004
Source file: Forms.pas, Line 3473
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00436214 [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3473)
:00460CD4 [FlashFXP.exe] (EnhFunc.pas, line 834)
:00526E0A [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 8798)
:0044E1ED [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1382)
:0044EBA7 [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1777)
:00438A2B [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 4855)
:0044680F [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 6807)
---------------------------12:44:14 04/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00035214
Access violation at address 00436214 in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 00000004
Source file: Forms.pas, Line 3473
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00436214 [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3473)
:00460CD4 [FlashFXP.exe] (EnhFunc.pas, line 834)
:00526E0A [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 8798)
:0044E1ED [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1382)
:0044EBA7 [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1777)
:00438A2B [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 4855)
:0044680F [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 6807)
---------------------------12:44:24 04/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00035214
Access violation at address 00436214 in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 00000004
Source file: Forms.pas, Line 3473
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00436214 [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3473)
:004608C9 [FlashFXP.exe] (EnhFunc.pas, line 728)
:0052601C [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 8580)
:005258D0 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 8403)
:0044E1ED [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1382)
:004357DA [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3078)
:004448BB [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 5571)
:00432B2E [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 1451)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0054A3D1 [FlashFXP.exe] (FlashFXP.dpr, line 221)
:77E6EB69 [kernel32.dll]
08-04-2002, 08:51 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
By chance do you have a multi-monitor setup? The error that occurs takes place in a function that deals with multi-monitor systems, Unless you actually noticed a problem in FlashFXP then there's probably nothing to worry about. Though it is unusual.
08-04-2002, 09:43 PM
FlashFXP Scripter ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 75
Actually I have a video card that support 2 monitors. It's a Radeon 8500, but actually I only use 1 device.
The same error happened in previous releases when I press CRTL+R so send a raw command to the server.
This error happened today when I was trying to send a command to a GLFTPD server. There was no way to send it, cause even in the menu Commands, the Raw Command option wasn't available then. I just disconnected, closed the program and started again and then worked again fine.
I'll let you know if it happens again and maybe take a screen shot so you can have a better look.
Thanks for your support!
08-04-2002, 09:45 PM
Senior Member
FlashFXP Beta Tester
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 136
time to run live update heh
08-04-2002, 11:33 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: New Mexico, USA
Posts: 1,070
869 is the latest rc2 release.
08-05-2002, 01:13 AM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
I suspect it's a video driver issue, I am aware several similar reports and in each one of them they had an ATI video card. There is no known solution.
I'm not entirely sure if the problem is with Borland Delphi Compiler (VCL) or the ATI driver. The location where this problem occurs is not in my source code but in the Borland Delphi VCL.
08-07-2002, 08:54 PM
FlashFXP Scripter ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 75
Hey bigstar,
It happened again, this time when I pressed CTRL+M, to mve a folder. I pressed those keys for 3 times and each gave me this message is Status Window:
An internal error has occurred.
Access violation at address 00436214 in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 00000004
I just checked my debug.log and there are 3 new entries for this problem as follows:
---------------------------22:39:30 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00035214
Access violation at address 00436214 in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 00000004
Source file: Forms.pas, Line 3473
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00436214 [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3473)
:004608C9 [FlashFXP.exe] (EnhFunc.pas, line 728)
:0052BBE2 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 10498)
:0044E1ED [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1382)
:0044EBA7 [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1777)
:004467E9 [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 6802)
---------------------------22:41:15 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00035214
Access violation at address 00436214 in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 00000004
Source file: Forms.pas, Line 3473
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00436214 [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3473)
:004608C9 [FlashFXP.exe] (EnhFunc.pas, line 728)
:0052BBE2 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 10498)
:0044E1ED [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1382)
:0044EBA7 [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1777)
:004467E9 [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 6802)
---------------------------22:41:17 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00035214
Access violation at address 00436214 in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 00000004
Source file: Forms.pas, Line 3473
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00436214 [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3473)
:004608C9 [FlashFXP.exe] (EnhFunc.pas, line 728)
:0052BBE2 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 10498)
:0044E1ED [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1382)
:0044EBA7 [FlashFXP.exe] (Menus.pas, line 1777)
:004467E9 [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 6802)
Hope this is not the same issue as I reported before.
Thanks for your attention!
08-07-2002, 09:00 PM
FlashFXP Scripter ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 75
Chacking debug.log again, I found other entries from today:
I'm not sure what they mean, cause I didn't notice anything different than some single file transfer errors...
Here they go:
---------------------------08:30:03 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EFOpenError' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00012C3E
Cannot open file C:\ARQUIV~1\FLASHFXP\Stats.dat
Source file: Classes.pas, Line 3584
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00413C3E [FlashFXP.exe] (Classes.pas, line 3584)
:0046599F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 301)
:004670B7 [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 927)
:0046563F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 215)
:0052DC2C [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 11108)
:00523185 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 7350)
:00538501 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 14302)
:00455C4A [FlashFXP.exe] (ExtCtrls.pas, line 1306)
:00432B2E [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 1451)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0054A3D1 [FlashFXP.exe] (FlashFXP.dpr, line 221)
:77E6EB69 [kernel32.dll]
---------------------------08:30:03 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EFOpenError' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00012C3E
Cannot open file C:\ARQUIV~1\FLASHFXP\Stats.dat
Source file: Classes.pas, Line 3584
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00413C3E [FlashFXP.exe] (Classes.pas, line 3584)
:0046599F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 301)
:004670B7 [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 927)
:0046563F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 215)
:0052DC2C [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 11108)
:00523185 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 7350)
:00538501 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 14302)
:00455C4A [FlashFXP.exe] (ExtCtrls.pas, line 1306)
:00432B2E [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 1451)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0054A3D1 [FlashFXP.exe] (FlashFXP.dpr, line 221)
:77E6EB69 [kernel32.dll]
---------------------------08:30:15 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EFOpenError' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00012C3E
Cannot open file C:\ARQUIV~1\FLASHFXP\Stats.dat
Source file: Classes.pas, Line 3584
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00413C3E [FlashFXP.exe] (Classes.pas, line 3584)
:00465D64 [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 430)
:0046564F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 219)
:00514BB4 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2374)
:00491582 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2730)
:00490674 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2139)
:00492F1A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 3660)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0048F45A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 1476)
:0048F5D2 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 1546)
:00499DB5 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 1929)
:00497328 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 891)
:00499B37 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 1844)
:0052C087 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 10559)
:005136F7 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2027)
:004423FC [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 4233)
:004357DA [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3078)
:004448BB [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 5571)
:00432B2E [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 1451)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0054A3D1 [FlashFXP.exe] (FlashFXP.dpr, line 221)
:77E6EB69 [kernel32.dll]
---------------------------08:30:15 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EFOpenError' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00012C3E
Cannot open file C:\ARQUIV~1\FLASHFXP\Stats.dat
Source file: Classes.pas, Line 3584
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00413C3E [FlashFXP.exe] (Classes.pas, line 3584)
:00465D64 [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 430)
:0046564F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 219)
:00514BB4 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2374)
:00491582 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2730)
:00490674 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2139)
:00492F1A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 3660)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0048F45A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 1476)
:0048F5D2 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 1546)
:00499DB5 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 1929)
:00497328 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 891)
:00499B37 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 1844)
:0052C087 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 10559)
:005136F7 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2027)
:004423FC [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 4233)
:004357DA [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3078)
:004448BB [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 5571)
:00432B2E [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 1451)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0054A3D1 [FlashFXP.exe] (FlashFXP.dpr, line 221)
:77E6EB69 [kernel32.dll]
---------------------------08:30:15 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EFOpenError' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00012C3E
Cannot open file C:\ARQUIV~1\FLASHFXP\Stats.dat
Source file: Classes.pas, Line 3584
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00413C3E [FlashFXP.exe] (Classes.pas, line 3584)
:00465D64 [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 430)
:0046564F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 219)
:00514BB4 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2374)
:00491582 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2730)
:00490674 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2139)
:00492F1A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 3660)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0048F45A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 1476)
:0048F5D2 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 1546)
:00499DB5 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 1929)
:00497328 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 891)
:00499B37 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 1844)
:0052C087 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 10559)
:005136F7 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2027)
:004423FC [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 4233)
:004357DA [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3078)
:004448BB [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 5571)
:00432B2E [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 1451)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0054A3D1 [FlashFXP.exe] (FlashFXP.dpr, line 221)
:77E6EB69 [kernel32.dll]
---------------------------08:30:15 07/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 2.0 RC2 (build 869)
Compiled on: Jul 30, 2002
OS Ver: 5.1 (build 2600)
Exception 'EFOpenError' in module FlashFXP.exe at 00012C3E
Cannot open file C:\ARQUIV~1\FLASHFXP\Stats.dat
Source file: Classes.pas, Line 3584
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:00413C3E [FlashFXP.exe] (Classes.pas, line 3584)
:00465D64 [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 430)
:0046564F [FlashFXP.exe] (IniFiles32.pas, line 219)
:00514BB4 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2374)
:00491582 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2730)
:00490674 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 2139)
:00492F1A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 3660)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0048F45A [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 1476)
:0048F5D2 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDSock.pas, line 1546)
:00499DB5 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 1929)
:00497328 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 891)
:00499B37 [FlashFXP.exe] (FDFtp.pas, line 1844)
:0052C087 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 10559)
:005136F7 [FlashFXP.exe] (FrmMain1.pas, line 2027)
:004423FC [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 4233)
:004357DA [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 3078)
:004448BB [FlashFXP.exe] (Controls.pas, line 5571)
:00432B2E [FlashFXP.exe] (Forms.pas, line 1451)
:77D23A5F [user32.dll]
:77D23B2E [user32.dll]
:77D23D6A [user32.dll]
:77D241FD [user32.dll]
:0054A3D1 [FlashFXP.exe] (FlashFXP.dpr, line 221)
:77E6EB69 [kernel32.dll]
08-07-2002, 09:46 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
that last debug.log was rather helpful, I have made a few small adjustments to the VCL that might help work around the problem.
RC3 will probably be release sometime this week.
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