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Old 09-18-2002, 09:50 AM   #1
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Question transfer-time-question


as usual a fxp-transfer is started with "retr xxx" which (should)result in a response code 150. after all data was sent, the server uses a response code 226 which makes flashfxp closing the file. somehow the time taken for the transfer is incorrect:

[16:29:08] RETR X06-0266005.pdf
[16:29:08] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for X06-0266005.pdf (1575674 bytes).
[16:32:49] 226 Transfer complete.
[16:32:55] Transferred: X06-0266005.pdf 1,50 MB in 03:47 (6,89 KBps)

so the real transfer lasted from 16:29:08 to 16:32:49 - this is 3 mins 41 secs. flashfxp shows 3 mins 47 secs.

this seems to happen always to me. my system load is below 10%, my processor, ram is fast enough also the transferred file is saved to a scsi-drive.

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Old 09-18-2002, 04:48 PM   #2
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Your stop/end points are not correct. The end of a transfer is not signaled by the 226 Transfer complete. message, this message appears when the ftp server has sent all of the data and not when FlashFXP has recieved all of it.

It may take several seconds in some cases up to a minute after the 226 Transfer complete. before the transfer is actually completed.

The counter starts after the 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for X06-0266005.pdf (1575674 bytes). and it stops when all of the data has been recieved and the data connection is closed.
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file, flashfxp, secs, transfer, x06-0266005.pdf

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