Old 01-30-2005, 03:23 AM   #1
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Default Bug report..!!!

date/time         : 2005-01-29 18:23
computer name     : ALESSIO-I14CTVS
user name         : Alessio
operating system  : Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 2600
system language   : Italian
system up time    : 4 hours 10 minutes 
program up time   : 3 hours 5 minutes 
processors        : 2x               Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
physical memory   : 353/767 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 74,91 GB
display mode      : 1152x864, 32 bit
process id        : $ff4
executable        : flashfxp.exe
executable hash   : B2A3DB8417262E1A2A2CBCB7EB57165C
exec. date/time   : 2005-01-25 13:34
version           :
madExcept version : 2.7e
exception message : EListError
exception message : List index out of bounds (-1).

main thread ($b18):
00410f79 flashfxp.exe Classes      1782   +2 TList.Get
004110f6 flashfxp.exe Classes      1825   +4 TList.Move
00596136 flashfxp.exe FrmMain1    18262  +59 TFrmMain.MoveQueueItem
00595ec7 flashfxp.exe FrmMain1    18190   +1 TFrmMain.pmq_MTClick
00461aa6 flashfxp.exe Menus        1382  +11 TMenuItem.Click
004622df flashfxp.exe Menus        1708   +5 TMenu.DispatchCommand
00462e4e flashfxp.exe Menus        2325   +9 TPopupList.WndProc
0044638c flashfxp.exe Forms        1458   +8 StdWndProc
77d1bcc7 user32.dll                          DispatchMessageA
0044ea77 flashfxp.exe Forms        6700  +34 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0044ea96 flashfxp.exe Forms        6731   +1 TApplication.ProcessMessages
005975b0 flashfxp.exe FrmMain1    18822   +2 TFrmMain.Delay
0059329b flashfxp.exe FrmMain1    17376   +3 TFrmMain.Aborted
0059326d flashfxp.exe FrmMain1    17367   +4 TFrmMain.AbortCheck
0056c5b7 flashfxp.exe FrmMain1     4824 +582 TFrmMain.Transfer1Click
0057fae2 flashfxp.exe FrmMain1    11056  +92 TFrmMain.LvQueueDragDrop
0045527f flashfxp.exe Controls     3842   +1 TControl.DragDrop
00455649 flashfxp.exe Controls     3976  +24 TControl.DoDragMsg
00459ffe flashfxp.exe Controls     6769   +4 TWinControl.CMDrag
004b779e flashfxp.exe ComCtrls    12836   +1 TCustomListView.CMDrag
004ed595 flashfxp.exe UPTTreeList  2020   +1 TPTCustomListView.CMDrag
00455cb5 flashfxp.exe Controls     4233  +37 TControl.WndProc
004584ea flashfxp.exe Controls     5698  +42 TWinControl.WndProc
004b74fc flashfxp.exe ComCtrls    12753  +13 TCustomListView.WndProc
004cc3aa flashfxp.exe ThemeMgr      685  +10 TWindowProcList.DispatchMessage
004cd00a flashfxp.exe ThemeMgr     1420  +14 TThemeManager.ListviewWindowProc
004ce0ec flashfxp.exe ThemeMgr     2133   +2 TThemeManager.PreListviewWindowProc
00458174 flashfxp.exe Controls     5571   +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
0044638c flashfxp.exe Forms        1458   +8 StdWndProc
77d1e2f2 user32.dll                          SendMessageA
00452ae9 flashfxp.exe Controls     2278   +8 DragMessage
004534ec flashfxp.exe Controls     2611  +55 DragDone
00452351 flashfxp.exe Controls     1911  +14 TDragObject.MouseMsg
0044638c flashfxp.exe Forms        1458   +8 StdWndProc
77d1bcc7 user32.dll                          DispatchMessageA
0044ea77 flashfxp.exe Forms        6700  +34 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0044eaae flashfxp.exe Forms        6738   +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
0044ecce flashfxp.exe Forms        6827  +20 TApplication.Run
005b2201 flashfxp.exe FlashFXP      451 +336 FlashFXP

thread $26c (TChangeHandlerThread):
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll                              KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e9a9 ntdll.dll                              NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c8094ec kernel32.dll                           WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7c809c81 kernel32.dll                           WaitForMultipleObjects
004f6dbd flashfxp.exe UPTShellControls 3810 +11 TChangeHandlerThread.Execute
004839ba flashfxp.exe madExcept                 HookedTThreadExecute
00418698 flashfxp.exe Classes          6898  +1 ThreadProc
00403c40 flashfxp.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
0048394f flashfxp.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($b18) at:
004f6a83 flashfxp.exe UPTShellControls 3705  +2 TChangeHandlerThread.Create

thread $65c: <priority:1>
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll  KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e319 ntdll.dll  NtRemoveIoCompletion

00400000 flashfxp.exe      C:\Programmi\FlashFXP
01750000 ssleay32.dll                  C:\Programmi\FlashFXP
070d0000 WMASF.DLL      C:\WINDOWS\system32
086c0000 WMVCore.DLL      C:\WINDOWS\system32
092d0000 Audiodev.dll 5.2.3790.3646    C:\WINDOWS\system32
0ffd0000 rsaenh.dll   5.1.2600.2161    C:\WINDOWS\system32
10000000 libeay32.dll                  C:\Programmi\FlashFXP
20000000 odbcint.dll  3.525.1117.0     C:\WINDOWS\system32
5b180000 uxtheme.dll  6.0.2900.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
5bc70000 NETAPI32.dll 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
62e40000 LPK.DLL      5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
66750000 hnetcfg.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
719d0000 mswsock.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
71a10000 wshtcpip.dll 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
71a20000 WS2HELP.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
71a30000 WS2_32.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
71a50000 wsock32.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
71aa0000 MPR.dll      5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b80000 SAMLIB.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
71ba0000 ntlanman.dll 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
71c10000 NETRAP.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
71c20000 NETUI1.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
71c60000 NETUI0.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
72f70000 winspool.drv 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
73ce0000 shgina.dll   6.0.2900.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
745e0000 ODBC32.dll   3.525.1117.0     C:\WINDOWS\system32
746b0000 MSCTF.dll    5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
74d20000 USP10.dll    1.420.2600.2180  C:\WINDOWS\system32
752e0000 msctfime.ime 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
75920000 MSGINA.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
75f10000 drprov.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
75f20000 davclnt.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
76310000 WINSTA.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
76340000 IMM32.DLL    5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
76360000 comdlg32.dll 6.0.2900.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
765b0000 CSCDLL.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
76950000 ntshrui.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
76980000 USERENV.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
76ae0000 ATL.DLL      3.5.2284.0       C:\WINDOWS\system32
76b00000 winmm.dll    5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
76bf0000 WINTRUST.dll 5.131.2600.2180  C:\WINDOWS\system32
76c50000 IMAGEHLP.dll 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
76f90000 CLBCATQ.DLL  2001.12.4414.258 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77010000 COMRes.dll   2001.12.4414.258 C:\WINDOWS\system32
770f0000 oleaut32.dll 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
773a0000 comctl32.dll 6.0.2900.2180    C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2180_x-ww_a84f1ff9
774b0000 ole32.dll    5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
778f0000 SETUPAPI.dll 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
779f0000 cscui.dll    5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\System32
77a50000 CRYPT32.dll  5.131.2600.2180  C:\WINDOWS\system32
77af0000 MSASN1.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77b10000 appHelp.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77bd0000 version.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77be0000 msvcrt.dll   7.0.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77d10000 user32.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77da0000 RPCRT4.dll   5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77e40000 GDI32.dll    5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77e90000 SHLWAPI.dll  6.0.2900.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77f10000 Secur32.dll  5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
77f40000 advapi32.dll 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c800000 kernel32.dll 5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c910000 ntdll.dll    5.1.2600.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c9d0000 SHELL32.dll  6.0.2900.2180    C:\WINDOWS\system32

00410f62      loc_410f62:
00410f62        lea     edx, [ebp-4]
00410f65        mov     eax, [$5bf170]
00410f6a        call    -$b2d3 ($405c9c)       ; LoadResString
00410f6f        mov     edx, [ebp-4]
00410f72        mov     ecx, esi
00410f74        mov     eax, [ebx]
00410f76        call    dword ptr [eax+4]
00410f79      loc_410f79:
00410f79 1782 > mov     eax, [ebx+4]
00410f7c        mov     ebx, [eax+esi*4]
00410f7f        xor     eax, eax
00410f81        pop     edx
00410f82        pop     ecx
00410f83        pop     ecx
00410f84        mov     fs:[eax], edx
00410f87        push    $410f9c
00410f8c      loc_410f8c:
00410f8c        lea     eax, [ebp-4]
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Old 01-30-2005, 03:31 AM   #2
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Could you please explain what you were doing when the error occured
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Old 01-30-2005, 04:15 AM   #3
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That just happened to me also

I added a big folder with over 100 subdirs in the queue.
And then did the expand all folder thing.
Was noticing it took a long time, so during the time it was expanding the folders I deleted half of the subdirs from the queue (that havent got expanded yet). Flashfxp didnt know how to react after that.

build 1067
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Old 01-30-2005, 12:05 PM   #4
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Originally posted by Joker
That just happened to me also

I added a big folder with over 100 subdirs in the queue.
And then did the expand all folder thing.
Was noticing it took a long time, so during the time it was expanding the folders I deleted half of the subdirs from the queue (that havent got expanded yet). Flashfxp didnt know how to react after that.

build 1067
Thanks Joker, I found and fixed this bug =)

However based on the bug report from kfiasche I don't think it's the exact same problem, I don't see any indication of the expand folder function being executed.
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Old 01-31-2005, 02:47 PM   #5
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Originally posted by Joker
That just happened to me also

I added a big folder with over 100 subdirs in the queue.
And then did the expand all folder thing.
Was noticing it took a long time, so during the time it was expanding the folders I deleted half of the subdirs from the queue (that havent got expanded yet). Flashfxp didnt know how to react after that.

build 1067
yes, it is...
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Old 01-31-2005, 03:51 PM   #6
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Thank you for clearing that up... Interesting.. Looks like you found a situation that can not be explained with just the bugreport alone.
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Old 02-02-2005, 12:07 PM   #7
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ok,but I do not speak english very well
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5.1.2600.2180, controls, cwindowssystem32, flashfxp, flashfxp.exe

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