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Old 02-12-2005, 08:26 PM   #31
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your log that shows lockup is an ssl trasnfer.
do you have problems with regular transfers too?
wild shot here, but go to http://www.memtest.org/ download test floppy and run it on your puter to make sure your memory is working properly
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Old 02-12-2005, 08:49 PM   #32
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this computer is brand new with 1gb of new memory tested at the shop where it was built

The log shows you 3 connections - 1 ssl and 2 normal tranfers

it doesn't matter what type of transfer it is - or how many -
all connections crash at some point
(I chose to connect to 3 to show how they crash)

You will also notice on my log - that when it does crash - nothing appears when it comes back on or when it freezes completely
The 1 that did freeze as it was being closed only show half of the log out screen

- it seems the faster the connection - the faster the crash

sometimes it doesn't even take 3 seconds after connection for it to freeze -
some times it comes back on -
but then goes back out again and agin until - it doesn't come back at all
some times it goes right to a crash and it never comes back

& even some times - it doesn't crash at all

I was very surprised to see the other 2 lasted as long as they did - normally when 1 crashes - soon after the other(s) do too

I firmly believe this is a SP2 firewall problem
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Old 02-12-2005, 09:46 PM   #33
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the funny thing is - I can FXP with no problems at all
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Old 02-12-2005, 09:55 PM   #34
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ok, those 2 links you PMed are talking about SP2 and general ftp programs...they are not specific to FlashFXP

have you tried disabling SP2's firewall? do you still have the problem?
did you configure SP2's firewall to forward needed ports?
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Old 02-12-2005, 10:02 PM   #35
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what ports would I need to be configuring????
all the different ports that the servers run on???
I did add the ftp header as well as the FlashFXP header and added port 21 - no good

I have tried everything I have read - like 10 different things
none work

from closing the firewall - to adding the ftp - to adding flashfxp - to ticking this and ticking that --
all of them - none have worked

Yes none of them - I don't think mention FlashFXP but all are talking about ftp's that won't work with SP2

Microsoft has 4 pages worth of things concerning things that won't work with SP2 as well as a few more pages concerning the SP2 firewall

2 of my friend run basically the same setup as me - both have SP2 installed - 1 was even 1 of the servers from the logs that saw me on his server - just idling
they both downloaded the trial and it works fine for them

Is there anyway this may have to do with the fact that I have a cable connection & they don't????
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Old 02-13-2005, 12:39 PM   #36
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more information to report --

I can fxp using this product without any problems

I can upload files too - does not seem to crash when I just upload

My problem now just comes down to files from other servers not coming thru to my computer -

Another thing that I have noticed is -
it seems the faster the speed - the faster the freeze
When the server I download from gives me good speeds - it crash very quickly - while slower speed servers take a little longer until they crash
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Old 02-13-2005, 12:58 PM   #37
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As I started the thread, I feel I should chip in again...
I deduced the problem to be with my CPU (3.2Ghz P4). I changed this for a 3.0Ghz P4 and the problem dissapeared. I was sent a replacement 3.2Ghz P4 (sealed brand new) and I have the problem again. However if I start a transfer and leave the PC and never do anything with it, it doesn't crash. If I start the transfer and move the window around, open a web browser, basically anything then it will crash.

Worth noting is that it is still transfering for me in this crashed state although much slower. To our internal FTP servers i get 8Mb/sec or so, after the crash it slows to around 30bytes/sec.

I will be getting some more CPUs next week of varying speeds, I'll post the results.

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Old 02-13-2005, 02:10 PM   #38
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I was thinking this might have an effect on the download - but I too have a 3.0Ghz P4 & I open the task manager first -
then I open FlashFXP and load up a download -
as soon as I hit transfer - especially a fast server - it locks up -
with me doing nothing -
yes there are processes going in the background - but like I said - I have the bare minimum running - no antivirus - no other process hogs -

So I am doing nothing that causes the download to crash
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Old 02-15-2005, 06:31 PM   #39
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2 more days have gone by - not much has been added to this post or the situation

Did get an e-mail response fro support - but it only asked me the same questions that have already been answered here

If the mod reads this soon - I guess I need to know how to go about seeking my refund
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Old 02-15-2005, 06:43 PM   #40
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You are getting free support. Expect some delay while we work on yours and many others questions/problems. FlashFXP's policies are very clear, and NOONE on our staff said you had to purchase FlashFXP to get problems/bugs fixed. The shareware version functions exactly the same. You have given us nothing really to work on. We can't reproduce your problem, and we are still actively trying to figure out what could be the issue. There are so many variables involved with windows and different hardware. Have a little patience.
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Old 02-15-2005, 06:50 PM   #41
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I have been following this thread since the beginning, but I have not seen anything that might explain or cause this problem.

Due to the nature of this problem it's really difficult to pin-point one specific thing and focus on it.

If you can upload and fxp I don't think windows firewall or SP2 is conflicting with FlashFXP. Although at this point in time anything is possible.

The only option left that I can think of is maybe some sort of remote desktop sharing so that I can monitor and see extactly what happens go from there.

btw have you both tried the beta release of FlashFXP v3.1.10.1067?

While this is a beta release performance and stablity appears is excellent.
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Old 02-15-2005, 09:05 PM   #42
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I understand what you guys are saying - I have offered from the beginning to get on MSN Messenger to talk with & work with whoever

I have tried the 2 betas - 3.0.2.builds - 1044 & 1060

UMM - while copying the versions of betas that I have - I notice the version of beta you wrote - v2.1.10.1067
is Version 2.1 -- is that correct????

I tried to write everything that happens and everything I can think of -

did anyone read about the possible problem with
[multi] - incorrect word - Sorry

Hyper-thread technology??
As soon as I find out how to disable it - I will try it and see

In all of my tests - it seems that the speed of the server being downloaded from might be the best indicator of what goes wrong - the fast the server -- the faster the crash
slower servers sometimes never crash (notice I say sometimes - as I have had crashes on servers delivering files at 2okbs)
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Old 02-15-2005, 09:17 PM   #43
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Sorry that was a mistake, it should of been

I would highly recommend you try the latest beta mentioned above and please let us know if you continue to have problems.

did anyone read about the possible problem with multi-thread technology??
I'm not familiar with this could you please explain.

One last thought, you might try running a scan disk to make sure your hard drive is in good shape or defrag your drive if it's been awhile. Downloading a file to a bad sector or a fraggmented drive can cause FlashFXP to lock up or behave unexpectedly.
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Old 02-15-2005, 09:49 PM   #44
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Bigstar - Did you read my posts above??

My computer is brand new
and I have another new hard drive as a slave that I also tried to download to

Unless this beta just came out in the last 4 days - I downloaded the beta from your site as I explained in my posts

Sorry I wrote multi - when it should have been hyper

Hyper Thread Technology -


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Old 02-15-2005, 10:30 PM   #45
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Yes I did.. you mentioned "3.0.2.builds - 1044 & 1060", I just want to make sure you also tried 1067. Since I didn't see 1067 mentioned anywhere.

I don't think hyperthreading has much to do about this problem, All of my computer systems use hyperthreading and none of them have this problem.

You might run some performance/stablity type of applications on your computer and see how they do. You may have a faulty component in your compuer and FlashFXP is effected by it. I'd still recommend running scan disk on your drive even though it is a new system.

Send me your MSN ID in a private message and we'll do desktop sharing and you can show me what happens.
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flashfxp, ftp, router, show, v3.0.2

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