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Old 02-09-2005, 12:28 AM   #16
Tom Veil
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Default oh well

Well no one associated with Flash FXP seems to be answering these threads. Oh well. WS FTP it is then.
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Old 02-09-2005, 06:25 AM   #17
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Default Re: oh well

Originally posted by Tom Veil
Well no one associated with Flash FXP seems to be answering these threads. Oh well. WS FTP it is then.
if you did not provide any of the required info, plus YOUR problem might be completly differnt from user that started this thread.
if you still want support, start a new thread and provided all the required info, otherwise have fun struggling with wsftp
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Old 02-10-2005, 10:43 PM   #18
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Can all you that are having problems tell if you are all running Windows XP and if you have done the SP2 update

I just got a new computer and decided to try the trial version of this after hearing it was the best around

I too am having the freezing problem and was told it has to do with the SP2 being on my comp and possibly the firewall that comes with it

I almost bought this prog just from the reviews it got - but decided to try it first and now after finding it getting stuck and needing to be shutdown - I may wait until I see it has been fixed

If any of the makers or techs for FlashfFXP are reading this - when this problem gets fixed - please e-mail me & I will buy this product right away
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Old 02-11-2005, 03:16 PM   #19
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well after being told by someone that I needed to buy this product in order to make it work properly - I did

Problem is - the paid for version works no better than the demo version

As soon as I opened it and started a download - it froze up

I need to know what is going on with this product?????
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Old 02-11-2005, 05:36 PM   #20
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Originally posted by mhdrw_00
well after being told by someone that I needed to buy this product in order to make it work properly - I did
FlashFXP's trial version works properly. It seems that you have a problem with your O.S, your network or your hardware, so ... please, download FlashFXP again from the official site and paste here the complete error message and/or the log.

See this post. We can help you if you give us proper information ... 'Flashfxp stucks and needs a shutdown' isn't enough.
Sapere Aude
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Old 02-11-2005, 05:40 PM   #21
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mhdrw_00, like i mentioned before, your problem might be completly different from the original poster.
you did not provide any of the required info to help us http://forum.flashfxp.com/showthread...&threadid=4745
If any of the makers or techs for FlashfFXP are reading this
they are reading this forum on daily basis.
well after being told by someone that I needed to buy this product in order to make it work properly
unfortunatly you were lied to/misinformed
FlashFXP trial is fully working.
As soon as I opened it and started a download - it froze up
I need to know what is going on with this product?????
again, we are not psychics. we can not possibly know why/what is going on YOUR computer. we need to know at least http://forum.flashfxp.com/showthread...&threadid=4745
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Old 02-11-2005, 06:23 PM   #22
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There is nothing to give an error report on - nothing comes up in the logs or even on the servers themselves -
most times it just freezes and does nothing - other times it comes right back on as if nothing was wrong
If there is some other type of log available thru FlashFXP - let me know and I will copy/paste it here

FlashFXP v[3 ].[0.2 ], build [1045 ], [X ]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [ X] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [ ] Yes & Model [ ], [ X] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [ X] Yes, Name [Sygate Pro ], Ver. [ 5.5build2637], or [ ] No
* Running Antivirus [ X] Yes, Name [Norton ] or [ X] No-after 2nd format - none installed yet
* Network [ ] xDSL, [ X] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other

For some reason I believe this to be a XP SP2 problem

I bought and used TurboFTP for the longest time - got used to its problems because I had tried all the other as demos (except yours) and they really were crap

My comp has been acting up so I got a new 1
Was always told about the horror stories about SP2 but also heard if done with a clean new format - no problems

Did the clean install and decided to find out if your product was any good after hearing about it - tried the demo - right from the beginning it would lockup
So I went back to Turboftp
I started having the same thing happen to it - it locked up

After doing some reading - found alot of people who bragged about FlashFXP and even found this support forum

When more than a few people suggested that the retail may work better than the demo - I went ahead and bought your product

Now I have 2 paid for apps and I am getting no where with their support either

I have tried lots of things from turning off my firewall as well as the firewall from SP2 to trying different servers - all the same -
something in my configuration is stopping or limiting my use of this product

If there is any way to get this figured out - I would love it
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Old 02-11-2005, 07:53 PM   #23
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so are you saying your TurboFTP also locks up?

what are you doing in flasfxp when that happen?
enable disk-based logs and post status log of when that happen
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Old 02-11-2005, 07:58 PM   #24
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just did a test with a friend who has a server --

I also connected to 2 other servers and sent the same 100mb file to all 3

2 of them were getting the file at 20-22kbs and the third was at 10kbs

Within minutes - the first connection locked up & my friend said it just showed on his server that I was idle - but my device manager said flashfxp was "Not Responding"

When I tried to click on the flashfxp window (that was locked) - it would not open - it has in the past - only to reveal a solid white page from top to bottom

The other 2 continued to run the 2nd that was running at 20kbs jumped to 30-35kbs and the 3rd stayed at 10kbs but both continued to run

But earlier today I tried on my own and had first 1 freeze up and then a 2nd froze up too - making bith show up in device manager as "not responding"

As I write this the 1st is still frozen - after almost 15 minutes - but the other 2 are still going

I know that most servers have a timed disconnection but when frozen - this does not seem to time them out

I can't provide any kind of logs from either the server or flashfxp (if I knew where they were) - the flashfxp winndow either comes back on or it stays locked and has to be closed down from device manager - leaving no trace of what was going on -
except the file that was being uploaded - its still there - so it was working but not for long

Hope some of this helps
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Old 02-11-2005, 08:03 PM   #25
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restarted the 1 that locked (since my friend was watching on his server) and restarted the other 2 after -

enable disk-based logs and post status log of when that happen

now where do I find the logs???

as far as the turboftp locking up too - it did some weird things too and after checking the device manager once - it did also appear as - "not responding" but I have had some of the strangest things happen with Turboftp - I just didn't think about it being the same thing -
but yes - it too was freezing up as well

If it would help you - I am on msn right now and I sent you my addy in a PM - I can leave the 3 running too
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Old 02-11-2005, 10:00 PM   #26
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R] 250 CWD command successful.
[R] 257 "/GAMES/" is current directory.
[R] 200 Type set to A.
[R] 200 Protection set to: Private.
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
[R] Opening data connection IP: xxxxxxxxxxxxx PORT: 1323
[R] LIST -al
[R] Connected. Negotiating SSL session..
[R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
[R] SSL negotiation successful...
[R] SSL encrypted session using cipher RC4-MD5 (128 bits)
[R] 226 Transfer complete.
[R] List Complete: 4 KB in 7.77 seconds (0.5 KB/s)
[R] 200 Type set to I.
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
[R] Opening data connection IP: xxxxxxxxxxxxx PORT: 1324
[R] REST 1572864
[R] 350 Restarting at 1572864. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[R] RETR rld-se5a.r17
[R] Connected. Negotiating SSL session..
[R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for rld-se5a.r17.
[R] SSL negotiation successful...
[R] SSL encrypted session using cipher RC4-MD5 (128 bits)

this is where this server froze - the xxxx server

[R] 226 File received ok.
Transferred: vng-tnmt3a.r11 14.31 MB in 12 minutes 10 seconds (20.1 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy).
[R] Opening data connection IP: yyyyyyyyyyyy PORT: 27994
[R] STOR vng-tnmt3a.r12
[R] 150 Data connection accepted from aaaaaaaaaaaaaa; transfer starting for vng-tnmt3a.r12.
[R] 226 File received ok.
Transferred: rld-se5a.r10 14.31 MB in 10 minutes 13 seconds (23.9 KB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz).
[R] Opening data connection IP: zzzzzzzzzzzzz PORT: 18705
[R] STOR rld-se5a.r11
[R] 150 Data connection accepted from aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; transfer starting for rld-se5a.r11.

(soft abort)
[R] 426 Connection closed; Transfer Aborted.
[R] 226 ABOR command successful.
Transferred 7 files totaling 90.39 MB in 1 hours 19 minutes 46 seconds (21.6 KB/s)
User Aborted

aborted 2nd server - the yyyyy server

(soft abort)
[R] 426 Connection closed; Transfer Aborted.
[R] 226 ABOR command successful.
Transferred 6 files totaling 77.64 MB in 1 hours 19 minutes 17 seconds (19.2 KB/s)
User Aborted

aborted 3rd server - the zzzzzz server

[R] 221 Bye bye ...
[R] Logged off: yyyyyyyyy
[R] 221 Bye bye ...
[R] Logged off: zzzzzzzzz

10 minutes has now passed in between when server #1 froze up and I aborted the 2nd & 3rd

another 20 minutes goes by with server 1 still frozen until I end it in device manager - with nothing appearing on the log after the 2 "LOGGED OFF" entries from above
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Old 02-11-2005, 10:34 PM   #27
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have you tried uninstalling Sygate?
in many cases disabling such software isn't enough becuse often it's still running in the background..
plus it appears that you are not running the latest version of sygate..you might want to consider upgrading it and see if this problem still exist
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Old 02-12-2005, 08:17 AM   #28
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nope - problem has nothing to do with sygate firewall -
I tried that already - by both uninstalling the firewall and even going back to an older version

With my recent format - I have very few things installed on this comp and it still locks up

I recently tried a demo copy of CuteFTP and it runs just fine with all the same servers that used to make FlashFXP crash - was thinking maybe it was the faster speeds some of them were going - but CuteFTP handled the fastest ones without a hitch

As far as TurboFTP goes - it seems to me that when it locked up - it was being run at the same time as FlashFXP and when FlashFXP locked - it also locked up TurboFTP

Sometimes when FlashFXP lockes - it also locks everything from IE windows to other applications - needing to be shutdown by device manager before I could do anything

I have tried both the beta available of your site (3.1.10) to another someone had that I don't see available anywhere (3.1.7build1060) - as well as 2 older versions that friends had including an older 2.1 version) -
each time I installed & tried these versions - they all locked and when I uninstalled them - I also cleaned out everything including the registry (in case that was causing the problem)
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Old 02-12-2005, 12:31 PM   #29
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I am running out of things to check - I have just about emptied my comp of things that could be causing this

I am now truly believing that this problem is a compatibility issue with SP2 update of Windows XP

Even though friends of mine cannot duplicate the crashing on their computers which also run WinXP SP2 - those others posting here - do have this happening to them
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Old 02-12-2005, 07:23 PM   #30
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24 hours with no response from support
Sent a few PM to them and got no response

I have spent the last 24 hours working on finding a solution for this problem -
have read page after page after page -
from lots of people using lots of programs for ftp - all having the same problems

I t would be nice to be told something - even if it was -
"We don't know"

COME ON guys - how about some help!!!!!!!!!!!
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