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Old 11-01-2004, 06:51 AM   #1
Junior Member
FlashFXP Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 12
Default Can't create folders with new version

* FlashFXP v[3].[02], build [1104], [x]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [x] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [x] Yes & Model [Linksys BEFSR41 ], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [ ] Yes, Name [ ], Ver. [ ], or [x] No
* Running Antivirus [x] Yes, Name [Norton] or [ ] No
* Network [ ] xDSL, [x] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other

additional info if related
* FTP server(s) name [RaidenFTPD ], version [ ]
* timestamped, and side prefixed FTP log (please paste)
* any other info

After updating to the lastest version of Flash, I can no longer queue up a list of files and download. I get the following everytime:

[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (24,50,157,197,54,182)
[R] Opening data connection via Proxy
[R] LIST -al
[R] Connected. Negotiating SSL session..
[R] 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /Uploads/LMi using SSL/TLS.
[R] SSL negotiation successful...
[R] SSL encrypted session using cipher AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[R] 226-free disk space under this directory : 5600 mb
[R] 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed .
[R] List Complete: 573 bytes in 0.60 seconds (0.9 KB/s)
Cannot create local folder
[R] Transfer Failed: lmi.nfo
Cannot create local folder
[R] Transfer Failed: file_id.diz
Cannot create local folder
[R] Transfer Failed: (100% COMPLETE) - (3F @ 15M)
Cannot create local folder
[R] Transfer Failed: l-grea01.zip
Cannot create local folder
[R] Transfer Failed: l-grea02.zip
Cannot create local folder
[R] Transfer Failed: l-grea03.zip
[R] CWD /Uploads/torrent_files/
[R] 250-[Ul: 30490.02MB] [Dl: 8127.82MB] [Speed: UL:0,DL:0 KB/s] [Space: 5600MB]

Nothing has changed on the client side. I have the admin rights, there is enough disk space, etc.

The only change was to update FlashFXP.

zahroc is offline  
Old 11-02-2004, 02:35 PM   #2
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We have just determined that there is a bug in FlashFXP v3.0.2

When a folder is queued via the folder treeview it creates an incorrect queue item. When you try to transfer this item it fails.

If you use the file listview it will queue the item correctly and work as expected, just the folder treeview is flawed. We will be issuing a fix very soon to resolve this issue.
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Old 11-02-2004, 02:48 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 12


It was starting to drive me nuts!

Can't wait for the fix!

zahroc is offline  

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