DFS Shares doesn't hadled in Local browser pane (ver. 3.0 build 1015)
Today I've tried to upgrade to version 3.0 build 1015, so I've noticed:
If Network share (I mean usual MS LanMan networks) is MS DFS share, then it's content isn't displayed in pane in "Local browser" mode (no items displayed). Usual shares still work OK.
Previous 2.x version I had doesn't have this issue.
Information about my environment:
- FlashFXP installed at MS Windows XP SP1
- Shares (DFS and usual) created by MS Windows 2003 Server
And one more. I don't need answer for this post and workaround/solution. I'll wait for corrected version. This is just bug report.
Thanx for FlashFXP - best FTP client I found (I've tested a lot of them).