[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################Time/date####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-********(13:25:24)#################- current time on your PC
[13:27:50] [R] 230-********(Sunday 21 May, 2006) - current date on your PC
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################Server statistics####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)###########- number of days the server has been running
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(14)##########- number of hours the server has been running
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(28)###########- number of minutes the server has been up
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(49)###########- number of seconds the server has been up
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(550)###########- no. Kbytes uploaded to the server since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(3162551)#########- no. Kb downloaded from the server since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(31)########- no. of files uploaded to the server since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(128)######- no. of files downloaded from the server since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(93)##########- no. of logged in users since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(22.833)############- average server throughput since server start
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0.000)###########- current server bandwidth use
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################Server settings####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(Unlimited)############- maximum no. of users, as set in 'Settings - Domain'
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(Unlimited)########- maximum no. of anonymous users, as set in 'Settings - Domain'
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################User info####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(ADMIN)################- user's login name
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(myIpwashere)##################- user's IP number or name if available
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(/c

#################- user's current directory
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(C)################- user's current disk drive
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(9263.06)###############- the amount of free space on the user's current disk in Kb
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)#################- the number of files uploaded by the current user
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###############- the number of files downloaded
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)################- the total number of files transferred
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)#################- the number of Kbytes uploaded by the user
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###############- the number of Kbytes downloaded by the user
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)################- total number of Kbytes transferred
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###############- total connect time in minutes
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###############- connect time in seconds - to be used with '0'
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)#############- 'upload' ratio part for UL/DL ratios
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)###########- 'download' ratio part for UL/DL ratios
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)#########- current download credit for UL/DL ratios (Kb or 'files')
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)###########- displays how much disk quota is used in Kb
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(Unlimited)###########- displays how much disk quota is left in Kb
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(Unlimited)############- maximum amount of disk space that can be used in Kb
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230-####################Number of users####################
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)################- current number of Serv-U users connected
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(95)################- number of users since the server was started
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(82)################- number of users in the last 24 hours
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)############- all currently logged in anonymous users
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(0)#########- all anonymous users logged into this IP home
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)#########- all non-anonymous users currently logged in
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)######- all non-anonymous users logged into this IP home
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ********(1)###########- all current users with the current user name logged into this IP home
[13:27:50] [R] 230-
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ±à ²Ã±²ÃÃÃÃñ²à ±ÃÃÃÃñ ²ÃÃÃÃñ ²à ²Ã±²ÃÃÃÃñ
[13:27:50] [R] 230- Ãñ ÃñÃñ Ãñ Ãò± òÃò±²ÃñÃÃà ±ÃÃñÃñ
[13:27:50] [R] 230- Ãñ ÃñÃò± Ãñ Ãñ Ãñ ±ÃñÃÃòÃÃñà ò±
[13:27:50] [R] 230- Ãñ± ÃñÃÃÃò Ãñ Ãñ Ãà ÃñÃòñÃñÃà Ãò
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÃòòÃñÃò± Ãñ Ãñ Ãñ ±ÃñÃñ± ÃñÃò±
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÃÃÃÃÃÃòÃñ Ãò± Ãò± ñÃò±²ÃòÃà± ÃòÃñ
[13:27:50] [R] 230- ÃÃòÃÃòÃÃÃÃà òÃÃÃÃÃò²Ãà ÃÃò±²ÃÃÃÃò ²Ãñ ÃòÃÃÃÃÃñ
[13:27:50] [R] 230-.ò----ò-------[ Test FTP Server ]----ò----ò------.
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Server Uptime: 1 Days, 14 Hours, 28 Mins |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| System Uptime: 1 Days, 14 Hours, 29 Mins |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Free Space HD1: 9.05 GB HD2: N/A |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Uptime Upload: 550.15 KB / 14 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Uptime Dnload: 2.82 GB / 101 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Alltime Upload: 550.15 KB / 14 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Alltime Dnload: 2.82 GB / 101 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Users Logged In: 1 current / 0 since start |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Net Usage Up: 0.0 KB/s Dn: 0.0 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|----------------------------------------------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| User: ADMIN IP: MYIPWASHERE |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Alltime Upload: 5.19 GB Download: 13.15 GB |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Last Login: 11:17, 21.05.2006 Logins: 373 |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-+================================================= ===+
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Top 3 Uploaders |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 1 | ADMIN | 5.19 GB | 5605 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 2 | | | KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 3 | | | KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-+===+==================+==============+=========== ===+
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| Top 3 Downloaders |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 1 | ADMIN | 13.15 GB | 198 KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 2 | | | KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-|---+------------------+--------------+--------------|
[13:27:50] [R] 230-| 3 | | | KB/s |
[13:27:50] [R] 230-+===+==================+==============+=========== ===+
[13:27:50] [R] 230-:[This Site is powered by JASTAT. View "SITE HELP"!!]:
[13:27:50] [R] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[13:27:50] [R] SYST
[13:27:50] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:27:50] [R] FEAT
[13:27:50] [R] 211-Extension supported
[13:27:51] [R] AUTH TLS
[13:27:51] [R] SSCN
[13:27:51] [R] PBSZ
[13:27:51] [R] PROT
[13:27:51] [R] CCC
[13:27:51] [R] CLNT
[13:27:51] [R] MDTM
[13:27:51] [R] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[13:27:51] [R] SIZE
[13:27:51] [R] REST STREAM
[13:27:51] [R] XCRC filename;start;end
[13:27:51] [R] MODE Z
[13:27:51] [R] 211 End
[13:27:51] [R] CLNT FlashFXP
[13:27:51] [R] 200 Noted.
[13:27:51] [R] 250-Clients:[1]-Up:[0.0 KB/s]-Dn:[0.0 KB/s]-Space:[9.05 GB]
[13:27:51] [R] 250 Directory changed to /c:/PATH/To/Folder/SOmeFOLDERIDOWNLOADFROMM
[13:27:51] [R] PWD
[13:27:51] [R] 257 "/c:/PATH/To/Folder/SOmeFOLDERIDOWNLOADFROMM" is current directory.
[13:27:51] [R] TYPE I
[13:27:51] [R] 200 Type set to I.
[13:27:51] [R] MODE Z
[13:27:51] [R] 200 MODE Z ok.
[13:27:51] [R] Requesting IP Lookup from
[13:27:52] [R] Returned: MYIPWASHERE
[13:27:52] [R] PORT MYIPWASHERE,195,96
[13:27:52] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:27:52] [R] RETR file-pack.r20
[13:27:52] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file-pack.r20 (50000000 Bytes).