Originally Posted by MxxCon
there are a few reasons why it wasn't implemented..i think one of them was how to present such logic in a manageable way. right now we have 9 combinations(upload/download/fxp - smaller/same/larger) with 3 or 4 choices in each. now image how complicated that will become if you'll add logic for date/time for older/same/newer...that will be a total of 81-108 combinations.
if you can think of a way to present such logic to a user, feel free to share 
I'm not sure I can provide much advice except to take a look at what Dreamweaver does. (You can download a fully-functional 30-day trial version at
www.adobe.com). With it you highlight a folder in the directory tree (either local or FTP side), then select a synchronize command. It then compares dates and time of the selected files and folders, then presents a pop-up window showing the files that should be transferred given the time and date stamps. Each file/folder in the list has a checkbox next to it, pre-checked so that it will be uploaded/downloaded, but the user can uncheck files individually.
My usage of an FTP client is primarily to keep local copies of a Web site synchronized with the server version. For this usage, the file size is irrevelant...what's important is the date. If you have multiple people working on a site, you want to get files that have been changed by other developers, and put files that you've changed that are newer than the server version.
Thanks for listening! --Jim